Ashcroft arrests Gray Davis!


New member
Well, not yet. But it made you look, right? :D

If this is old news, forgive me. I just found it.

There is a petition at the KABA site that you need to sign. It is addressed to Attorney General Ashcroft, and it concerns your second ammendment rights.

It is asking him to go to California and Kick Legislative Butt for violating the Constitution with the blizzard of gun control laws they have passed.

You can print it out and get up to ten signatures, then send it to the KABA site, and it will be forwarded to Ashcroft in bulk.

This must have been posted before, but I guess I missed it. It looks like a great idea to me. Check it out.


New member

I know it is a cruel, devious ploy to drag unsuspecting patrons into a thread by promising the moon, but I knew it would work. ;)

Anywho, it's a worthwhile heads-up.

And who knows, it just might happen!

Jim March

New member
Ashcroft arresting Davis isn't going to happen.

Ashcroft arresting Calif AG Lockyer is perhaps another matter entirely.

Stay tuned :cool:. Wish I could say more right now :D.


New member
Oh, come on! You drop a tid-bit like that, and leave us hanging? :p

"Ban em all" Davis is one of the reasons I took orders to Washington state.

Tim Currie

New member
Just to let you know.....

I plan on printing out a couple petition pages and bringing them to work tomorrow, a couple more to the range next week, and one for me and my roomates. :)

I hope all the rest of you will do what you can, whether or not you live in California, this is America's problem not just Californian's.


New member
whether or not you live in California, this is America's problem not just Californian's.

True words, Timmy, true words.

Davis OR Lockyer, I'll be happy. Both? Could it get that good? Only if Clinton finally goes down.


I have already had three different packets signed. On the second one this guy that I worked with kind of blew me off and started to walk away. As he left I said "Hey Joe, you don't like this one? How do you like your other constitutional rights? You know, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, stuff like that. This one goes and those ones will probably go too." He turned around and came back and signed it.

Just thought I would share that with you guys.


Jim March

New member
Hey gimme a break, I'm on his butt, it'll take a few months to pin down proof :).

But the last time I nailed something this good, it was the MMM, and Ashcroft read THAT report with glee in his eye. If he reads this one too...:D

Tim Currie

New member
I printed it out and took it to work and surprisingly filled the first page (only one I brought with!) very easily and missed a few people cause I ran out of room! I am going back tomorrow with a bunch more of the signature pages. I still have yet to drop off one at the local range. I hope all of you are doing what you can.