As Tom Hanks said...

chris in va

New member
"I...have created fire!!":D

What a relief. My first reloads were a success, hands and gun in one piece and they actually went where I aimed.

I was sweating it more than usual because the load data for Universal and a 124gr truncated cone bullet are pretty hard to find, then add the fact my 9mm CZ only chambered at 1.05 OAL.

So there I am at the local indoor range, heavy gloves on expecting...well, hoping I did things right. Not only did they work but I chewed out the x-ring just as well as any factory FMJ, if not better.

Universal Clays, 4.0gr 124gr TC bullet 1.05OAL. The powder produces pretty much zero flash, but the bullet lube REALLY smoked, so much that other people were choking on the stuff in a few minutes. Ventilation at this range is sorely lacking, and that's why I normally shoot outside. My Kahr had a little trouble chambering the bullet shape, but fed fine when actually shooting. I just ran 20 rounds through it so no biggie...I'll be using FMJ through it later on as it has a polygonal barrel. Recoil was about the same as WWB, maybe a hair more but not much.

So there it is, my first effort.:)


New member
Congratulations Chris:)

I've been reloading 9 months now. I'm pretty darn anal about it especially since I read a lot of stuff on this forum.
But... I'm still not courageous enough to practice double taps with my reloads.

.... oh yeah have you found anyone to keep your yard mowed yet???
If the bullet lube is smoking excessively you can replace it with something else by soaking it off in mineral spirits. You can then either use a lubrisizer to apply a different lube, or you can use the Lee Liquid Alox or the White Label Xlox to lube the surface. They don't fill the lube groove, but they work well, IME. Not smoke-free, but not as bad as some of the older sticky formulations.


New member
Just another congrats! I remember (just barely!) that it was a good feeling that first time I fired off my own reloads. I was hooked from the get-go.