(AS REQUESTED) XM193 5.56X45mm photo's from ammoman.com!!

How did this stuff work in you're AR-15?

  • GREAT!!

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Good

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Ok

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not So Good

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  • Real Bad

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  • I'll Never Use It Agen!!

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • I Dont Know...Never Used It.

    Votes: 8 61.5%

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New member
It's finaly here!!:D The brass looks ugly and in the 1st box I opend there is a small dent in a few of the rounds. But nothig to worry about. But any way here are the pics!







I guess this stuff is real good though. Any body ever use it?

Jeff White

New member
It's good stuff

I've fired several hundred rounds. It's identical to GI M193 cause that's what it started life out as. I highly recommend it.




New member
You spend $1500 on a fine rifle and go and put that junk through it? Sheesh... what an insult to all the work that went into making your rifle shoot well.

Like buying a brand new sports car and then putting it up on blocks in your front yard. But hey, it's your rifle! Bet it shoots just fine with that stuff but you'll get better performance out of some decent ammo. Why not invest the money in some reloading equipment and learn how to roll your own?



New member

It's chambered for 5.56. If there is any cartrage in the world that would work good in an M4 you would think it would be M193. Or maby M855.


New member
(CLICK HERE) ammoman.com

500 RNDS. 109.00 1000 RNDS 199.00 for XM193. Thay also sell M855 and many other types of .223/5.56.

Thay also sell pistol and other rifle ammo. Just follow the directions. You will need to E-mail or fax proof of age. Some legal ID:

Jeff White

New member

I get mine from Eric the Ammoman.

Office: 856-776-7702
Warehouse: 856-753-2500

$189.00 per thousand. Great people to deal with. No shipping charge. (It's figured into the price)





New member

The brass is a bit tarnished, and I don't see any sealant on the primer or the bullet. Looks like it is not dinged or dented from what I can see.

I'd shoot it! :)
Would not commit it to long term storage. Sadly, since I would only use it as range fodder, there are better deals to be had. South African would meet or surpass the same performance requirements for less $$.

Still, if you want to get the stuff the Gov is buying, this is real close to "it".

As for rolling your own, does not interest me. Can you roll your own for $.18 a round including your labor? Is there a crucial difference at 200yds. between a one inch group and a three inch group?

I shoot Win Q3131A 99% of the time and it works pretty good for me. Prettier than the XM193, and will store better, but velocity and consistancy are about the same from what I have read.

Oh, yeah, I didn't vote. You don't need to post a poll for every dang thing you discuss.


New member
Oh, yeah, I didn't vote. You don't need to post a poll for every dang thing you discuss

:rolleyes: Well it's the easyest way to find out what people use. Thay dont even have to type anything.:rolleyes:


New member
Well I've shot M1A3 SA. What stuff was AWSOME!! I hope this stuff will be the same if not better. I've heard alot of good things about the M193. Next I'm going to try some M855 62grn.

Jeff White

New member

I have in front of me a round from Lot-1 of Federal XM193. There is red sealant on the primer. There is a darker sealant on the case where it meets the cannelure.

I also have a round of actual M193. It is identical. A small amount of red sealant over the primer and a bit of black sealant on the bullet at the case.

Both cases are headstamped LC 00 with the circle cross NATO mark. They must be using the same lots of brass they use for M855 because M193 is not NATO spec ammunition. I will get my digital camera out and try to post pics of both rounds and their boxes. I can't tell them apart. Federal has the current contract to run the Lake City Army Ammunition PLant, and the XM193 is production over runs.

I can't see SR_15_M4s pics...the links are broken, but I can assure you it's the same stuff. Must have gone up a bit in price since I bought my last batch.



New member
Thanks, all...

I'll check it out.

AR-10: In all this reading I've done prepping for this AR world (and as soon as I received mine, some clown out there starts this current mess and may cause it to be banned... my wife'll kill me - she missed her new couch), the Q3131A (Israel) is supposed to be at or near the same load as M193. In same reads, it seems that other MFRs load differently - like in lower performance. Since the .223/5.56 needs that 3000 f/s plus velocity to meet design performance I'd like to stay with MFRs working the MilSpec. Since I'm in the 16" barrel this is part of that consideration too.

BTW: If any of you are using a scope, I'm having trouble finding a 1" riser for the Picitinny[sp] flattop (if I remove the detachable handle). Prices are kind of high in catalogs. Don't gun shops stock these at all. "I can order it for you." and the catalog price is $64.

Still learning.

Thanks again.



New member

SR_15_M4's pics show lot #7.

No sealant visible. Brass is stamped 01, although I would not be suprised if there are mixed dates. All the XM ammo is either 00 or 01. Sometimes both in the same box.

There may be sealant on the bullet, but there sure isn't on the primer in the pictures of lot #7.

The XM193 is not overruns. It is test runs and leftovers from before and after the plant changed hands. That is why there is more tarnish and dinged rounds. The runs were thrown into holding bins instead of boxed on line. Headstamp dates were mixed together as it was boxed later.

Some of the ammo has sealant splashed all over it, and some of it has none where it needs to be. There are a dozen threads discussing the issues over at AR-15.com. The general consensus is that lots #1 and #2 were the most consistent and desirable.


If you want the most consistant military load at the best price, You would do well to check out the Israeli Winchester Q3131A. It is fresh, stores well, and loaded to perform.

Check out the Ammo Forum at AR-15.com. they know more about it than I do.


New member
This minght help.

In this pic you can see the sealant better.


Here is some info I got at AR-15.com

Q. Holy earache Batman! This Q3131A/Lake City XM193 is really loud and it launches a FIREBALL from my muzzle! Everyone at the range is looking at me now. What gives?

Q3131A and LC are mil-spec M193. They mean business. They are loaded hotter than most commercial loads and you're likely to notice that as soon as you fire them--especially out of a 16" post-ban barrel without a flash hider, you are going to get quite a bit of blast and a fireball. Some M193 has flash retardant, but it's just no match for a short barrel without a hider. Prepare yourself for surgery on your ears if you have one of those short barrels and a muzzle brake. Always wear eye and ear protection when shooting!

Q. What is the best M855 to get?

The name most often tossed around as the best M855 is IMI. Israeli Military Industries are the same people who make Q3131A and their M855 is apparently just as reliable. Additionally, you can find it newly manufactured. Lake City and Winchester both produce M855, but it is almost never available anymore, and certainly not as new-production. The only exception is that Winchester makes M855 available to police departments. Occasionally, small quantities of this gets traded back to ammo dealers, and become available for civilian sales.

Jeff White

New member

Thanks for the info. I don't go to AR15.com much anymore. It's terribly slow on the ancient phone lines out here where I live (DSL is just a dream). Guess I got a few thousand rounds of the "good stuff".

It'll be South African or Q3131A the next buy.




New member
Thanks for the pic of the primer sealant, SR.

Could not see it in the first batch of pics. It's good ammo, enjoy. The sealant issue related to lots three and four, if I remember. Don't know about lots after that. Wouldn't matter unless you plan on storing it for twenty or thirty years or letting it get wet.