As for tonight....


New member
I love my gun.
Okay, that makes it firearms related. Mods...Not being a wiseguy, but I hope you'll keep this open until at least midnight.
I truly wish that all of you, Christian or not, those I've agreed and disagreed with, those who think I'm a nut, Glock, Kimber, Springfield or other fans, Revolver folks, and even you antis who troll around looking for info, have a peaceful night and find a few hours contemplate the fact that we're all on this journey together.
Wherever you find your strength, whatever you believe put you here, I hope you take the time to tap into it tonight, and remember those who cannot be with us, whether overseas through their brave service, or through loss. Please allow a little time for joy.
Then go blast the H*LL out of some targets on Wednesday!