Art Eatman


Member In Memoriam
OK folks, Art just departed from here after spending a day and night. While he was here the wife and I tried to feed him enough to put 20 pounds on him :D. He said to let y'all know that he is alive and well and should reach Georgia sometime tomorrow. I feel certain that he will be back on TFL keeping us straight after he arrives there. A finer gentleman never walked the deserts of the Big Bend Country of Texas (or any other place for that matter)!


Staff Emeritus
"A finer gentleman never walked the deserts of the Big Bend Country of Texas (or any other place for that matter)!"

Mah Fren',

Once you went n' said the first part, that parens part is understood. ;)

I jes hope the Ole Man don't git a swelled haid 'cause I shore 'nuff do agree with ya.

Yup. Shore 'nuff. ;)


Member In Memoriam
Got an e-mail this morning that Art made it to Georgia a lil ahead of schedule. Arrived last nite safely :).

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Heck, he won't get north of Tifton.:) With all the time he spent around Blountstown in FL, he probably has a taste for roadkill'd Possum. He'll be hungry by the time he gets to I75 ...:D 'Sides, it'll be a change from all that "on the half shell" he's used to. ... 'Ol devil!

DorGunR, his wife sent 'im to the store and the Alzheimers kicked in.:D He's lost good.

Carlyle, did Art get a gullet full of them mud bugs at your place?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
DorGunR, my wife's home is Thomasville, Jawgia; mine's in Terlingua, Tayuxes. We've been in this dual-citizenship relationship some dozen years, now.

She's still working as an entrepreneurial capipitallist. I keep trying to persuade her to sell out and discover the joys of total uselessness, but her work ethic keeps getting in the way.

Well, somebody's gotta work, long as it's not me.

:D, Art

duck hunt

New member
That's pretty cool, Art! I read a big article about Terlingua a while back and Shin Tao commented that it sounded like the perfect place for TFLers if the hippie elements there were not too rabidly anti-gun. I guess you answered that question for us...


New member
Duck Hunt/Shin Tao

I used to live about 90 miles north of Terlingua (still the same county!) in Alpine. Almost everybody I ever met in Brewster County is pretty much gun friendly, even the "hippies", at least when I lived there (1980-84, 88-92). I guess they have a lot of folks from Austin and California moving in now, though.

My wife and I still visit Brewster two or three times a year, and go shooting at Big Bend Sportsmen's Club with a variety of folks- college professors, retired and working LEO, lawyers, and construction workers.

Folks who live in south Brewster (like our esteemed Art Eatman) consider Alpine (pop. about 8000, 65 miles to nearest stop light) as too crowded. I'd be back there in a minute if I could. I hear there's a job open at the Ace True Value hardware for a gun salesman....

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The only complaints from Terlinguoids about blasting with dynamite is if you don't call them on the phone in time for them to come watch.

A fair number of CHL folks, and a lot more who don't have the license--but can somehow protect themselves. :) Common sense prevails at our school, too...

Guns are generally thought of as no big deal--just like when I was a kid. They're working tools, not a means to enhance manly prowess.

Y'all be good,



New member
Dang Art...

that is a heck of a drive. We were out in Big Bend last November to do some backpacking and my brother and his friends went to Boquillas for dinner when he was in Alpine.

Great scenery out there. Every see Jerry Jeff out that way?
