Arrests in Terrorist Plot on Ft. Dix


New member
NEW YORK -- Six men from New Jersey have been charged in an alleged terror plot against soldiers at Fort Dix, according to law enforcement sources.

Investigators said the men planned to use automatic rifles to enter Fort Dix and kill as many soldiers as they could at the New Jersey military base. Fort Dix was just one of several military and security locations allegedly scouted by this group, authorities said.

Just another reason to go armed every day.


New member
Just a bunch of wackos led-on by the FBI. It's about time we had a good scare to keep us into this whole war on terror thing. They were obviously idiots just to consider marching onto an army base to kill troops. Why not a mall? Or a school?

Whatever happened to that Liberty City terror group? Hmmmm... Nothing.

Question: Did any of the men have any actual contact with any members of al-Qaeda that you know of?

Attorney-General: (pausing for someone else to step forward before responding) The answer to that is "No".

Question: Did they have any means to carry out this plot? I mean, did you find any explosives, weapons?

Attorney-General: You raise a good point... We took action when we had enough evidence.

Question: Was there anything against the Sears Tower other than this one apparent, just, kind of mention of the Sears Tower? It doesn't look like they ever took pictures or...

Deputy Director of the FBI: One of the individuals was familiar with the Sears Tower, had worked in Chicago, and was familiar with the tower. But in terms of the plans, it was more aspirational than operational.
More of the same.


New member
Just a bunch of wackos led-on by the FBI. It's about time we had a good scare to keep us into this whole war on terror thing. They were obviously idiots just to consider marching onto an army base to kill troops. Why not a mall? Or a school?

People blow themselves up...suicide missions are not foreign to these people. I think you speak before you know the facts, and you'd rather give people accused of planning to attack our servicemen the benefit of the doubt over the people arresting them. Your prerogative, of course.

Interesting that 3 of them were illegal immigrants, and all were foreign-born. I'll be interested to see if this impacts on the immigration debate.
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New member
Just a bunch of wackos led-on by the FBI. It's about time we had a good scare to keep us into this whole war on terror thing. They were obviously idiots just to consider marching onto an army base to kill troops. Why not a mall? Or a school?

Because not many malls or schools are bases for anti-terrorism training and tactics.

Wackos led-on by the FBI? I hardly think that's the case.
It's one thing to engage in a thought-provoking exercise about such an event and quite a different one to actively seek the ordinance to carry it off. During the California power crisis a few of us discussed how terrorists could exacerbate the situation and bring the state to its knees. We did it for the exercise. Had someone suggested he could acquire ordinance to carry it out, we would have tossed his butt into freeway traffic. We tried to submit suggestions to the state, but none of the departments was interested at that time. :rolleyes:

Attacking an Army base in the US isn't actually that stupid. Arms are secured except for MP's and depending on the base, it's resident compliment and schedule there can be woefully few MPs on duty.


New member
Attacking an Army base in the US isn't actually that stupid. Arms are secured except for MP's and depending on the base, it's resident compliment and schedule there can be woefully few MPs on duty.

Guns everywhere but not a bullet to be found. That said, for places like Ft. Benning (haven't seen Ft. Dix), if they weren't able to sneak on base, the chance that they would be able to get past the posts at the road are small. (Though it is important to note one was a pizza guy). Reaction time by armed MPs+ between post-time to time at populated areas is part of the question.

That said, the thought that our bases were possible terrorist attack targets crossed my mind for the very reasons you give. I just remain uncertain about armed reaction time, given the presence of sentrys delaying entry to the base.


New member
One must wonder if this is just a bunch of idiots that the FBI is using to show that they where doing what they needed to do with all those illegal wire taps. I mean they have been keeping tabs on them for years and the only thing they have them on is the guns that the FBI sold them, I doubt that they were headed any where. If they had been planning this for years like the FBI has said, why is it that no other weapons had been found? I know that if I was trying to do something like that the first thing I would have on my shopping list would be dozens of rifles and thousands of rounds of ammo. One guy was talking about using an RPG, so where is the RPG?

Just a bunch of want to be terrorists, to quote MASH "He flunked out of Kamikaze school". They failed to be a group of idiots...... How sad is that?

Just seems strangely convenient that this story breaks just when the FBI is being being dragged in to court for wire tapping and other things.


New member
Attacking an Army base in the US isn't actually that stupid. Arms are secured except for MP's and depending on the base, it's resident compliment and schedule there can be woefully few MPs on duty.

Yeah, soldiers on the average Army post are sitting ducks. It's not like we walk around armed all day. By the time that A) somebody opened up an arms room and dug out some weapons and ammunition (actually, I'm pretty sure there generally isn't even any ammunition in the arms room) or B) the MPs showed up you'd have plenty of dead people.

Remember your fourth general order: "I'll walk my post from limit to limit...with a nine millimeter and one round in it."

I remember many a guard shift on various posts where between three "guards" we were issued one weapon and anywhere from one to three rounds. Though I'd at least hope that that has changed in the last several years.


New member
According to CNN three of the five were in this Country illegally.

Remember your fourth general order: "I'll walk my post from limit to limit...with a nine millimeter and one round in it."

I am an old timer...we did it with 1911's. If we had to fight we knew the .45 would kill at least one and probably another two with the ricochet shot.


New member
They have the DOD Police and the MPs to save them. When I was overseas the biggest danger in the camp was the MPs and negligent


New member
Yeah, I hate to say the truth. We had a secure base with Nukes. We had a CID guy sneak on base (for a security test) and live in the upstairs of our headquarters bldg. for about a week. He was just one floor above the Nuke storage area. Only time I was glad I was low rank.

That was the real old days. I am sure the Army is better now...I hope.


New member
It should be noted that very rarely is the entire story given to the press…

Most of the story is likely still classified. I don’t know anything about this particular event, so I’m just guessing here, but it’s a guess based on a wee bit ‘o knowledge.


New member
I live in south jersey and have been to fort dix. I notice the gaurds walking there post with NO MAGAZINES in there rifles. It's kinda scary realizing that the illusion of control is there but if something actually were to happen...

On a side note: I heard on the news that the terrorists were in possesion of a semi-auto .50 cal. I can only assume it to be a barret. This news does not sit well with the up-coming vote on the NJ .50 cal law.

Taken from


New Jersey Committee Taking Up Gun Ban Legislation!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Please contact the members of the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee Today!

On Thursday, May 10, the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee is scheduled to consider gun ban legislation that would further infringe on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms in New Jersey.

A3998, sponsored by Assemblymen Reed Gusciora (D-15), Michael Panter (D-12), and Robert Gordon (D-38), would ban the possession of all .50 BMG rifles and ammunition by declaring such items to be a “destructive device.” It also would prohibit the private ownership of all .50 caliber in-line muzzleloader rifles, or any antique muzzleloader over .60 caliber.

A3494, sponsored by Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt (D-6) and Assemblyman Peter Barnes (D-18), would drastically raises all firearm license and permit fees and would allow the Superintendent of State Police the discretion to annually reconsider fees for a manufacturer or dealer license, a carry permit, the firearms purchase I.D. (FID), and the pistol purchase permits.


New member
If they had been planning this for years like the FBI has said, why is it that no other weapons had been found? I know that if I was trying to do something like that the first thing I would have on my shopping list would be dozens of rifles and thousands of rounds of ammo. One guy was talking about using an RPG, so where is the RPG?

Give some of these guys a little credit. The longer you hold on to serious ordinance without using it, the more likely an interdiction. Obtaining the weapons just shortly before the planned event leaves authorities little time to uncover the sale and react. In this case, my guess is that the informant may have said he "knew someone" who could supply the arms, he told the FBI.

I don't know about today, but it used to be common practice for gate guards to have a sidearm with no magazine in it. At AFB sites where SPs had wheelguns, they were loaded with 5 rounds, the empty one under the hammer.

The Canuck

New member
Hey all,

Last year we had a bust by te RCMP that snagged about 17 guys who were allegedly planning to detonate a fuel-nitrate bomb in front of the CSIS building in down town Toronto during rush hour, then they were planning on sweeping the area with automatic weapons fire when the Emergency Responders started showing up. From what I have been told, the suspects were basically turned in by a gardening supply salesman who smelled a rat.

If we (collectively the US, UK, CANADA and several other NATO contributors) weren't fighting the terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, these guys would stand a good chance of getting the training on how to get around the fertilizer supply roadblock. Then there would have been a good chance that they would have managed to pull it off.

Same for the punks who tried to pull that crap down there. I am not the first to say that if/when we pull out there will be an increased possibility of foreign trained terror cells hitting the ground with success here in North America once again.


New member
It also would prohibit the private ownership of all .50 caliber in-line muzzleloader rifles, or any antique muzzleloader over .60 caliber.

Yeah terrorists are going to show up at capitol hill with kentucky long rifles, a couple of british muskets and a blunderbuss all modified to fire rounds at speeds capable of killing a human at over a mile.:rolleyes:


New member
Just as a question for you folks who walked guard duty

with no or little ammunition. Would someone have caught you if you had hidden away in a pocket an extra full mag somewhere? I know it would have been 'trouble' if you were caught.


New member
For people who think this is "convienient", I have been wondering what they would have said if 19 guys were arrested on 9/10/2001 with a "crazy plot" as "suicide bombers" to take over planes they've never flew and fly them into major landmarks.

Given that one such plot has occurred, and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq followed it, is it so hard to believe there are other Muslims in the country who feel the same as the original hijackers?


New member
True these 6 guys were not very smart, but that does not mean some others might be a lot smarter, and have even more dangerous weapons. I think the chance of terrorist getting together enough nuclear material to make a bomb is real. In this case they would probably hit a city rather than an Army post.

I still think we are depending more on luck than a good security program. I feel we have got to a better job of knowing who is coming into our country and what plans these bad guys are making. IMO, Bush pays more attention to security in Iraq than in the USA.

Just as a question for you folks who walked guard duty
My guard duty was probably to many years ago to count. This was in Europe and we had nuclear weapons so we did carry live ammo. But, I did remove the bolt (in pocket) from my .45 Grease gun to reduce the carry weight. Dumb, but I was just 20 years old. "halt..wait until I get the bolt back in to my Grease gun" We carried 30 rnd. mags.


Look out PeeCee Police, here I come !!! But since I usually say what I mean and vice versa and could give a damn less for PeeCee.........Here goes.

You all know who has been committing turmoil and murder and bombing for the past few years, whose so called holy writings condone murder in so many places, who treat their females worse than we do animals, who have world conquest in their plans, who have spread out all over the globe in civilized countries and in most cases raise hell of some kind even there where there is a little freedom from Sharia law. They come in every shade from mild, apparently peaceful and law abiding to the rabid, murdering, bombing, hate filled haters of Jews, Christians, and other Civilized persons. You and I are at a loss to look at them and tell if they, like us love America and mean no harm or if they are just sitting in little cells here and there biding their time until they can kill a bunch of us.

The laws of my County, State and Nation prohibit my from personally waging war on my perceived enemies, and enemies some of them are. But the same Law enforcement except the FBI seem to do little for our peace and dignity other than passing more laws taking a bite of freedom here and there. Our President intended to do something following 9/11 but mistakes have been made, the enemy fights among themselves there, our politicians fight among themselves here and some claim that 65% are against the war in Iraq. And summing up it appears that we can't make a democracy and democrats and republicans out of moslems no easier than making a silk purse from a sow's ear. So some of you enlightened people come up with an answer that will stop the war in Iraq and elsewhere against their radicals and arrest and deport or jail said radicals here. Bleeding hearts and apologists don't bother.