Army’s next squad weapon will fire a never-before-seen ammo combination


New member
Thanks for posting this. It is an interesting article and I wouldn't have been aware of it if you hadn't posted.

That said, the article tells us they are considering a 6.8 bullet but they don't know what kind of case (brass, steel, plastic...) they'll use. With all that up in the air I wonder why they announced anything? (But again, to the OP, thanks for posting this.)


New member
I remember in the 80's, caseless ammo was going to be the next big thing for the military. The "case" is consumed when it fires. Even in the 1860's, whatever the military was considering or refused to consider, usually was wrong or never happened. Amazing that we got the 1911, Garand, and M14.


New member
G&A has a very good article this month on polymer ammo by true velocity. Very tight tolerances, excellent accuracy of the loads tested and seems very capable as they included belt fee ammo and up to 50 cal. 8fps es ans 3.7fps std. i dont see this going the way of caseless ammo.


New member
Aluminum case would be lighter than brass or steel. Seems odd to push for a 270 caliber for a round that will certainly end up with NATO allies. The 6.5 is more an international standard.


New member
Seems odd to push for a 270 caliber for a round that will certainly end up with NATO allies. The 6.5 is more an international standard.

Don't forget, the 6.8 discussed is noted as being the "current cartridge" being tested. Sounds a lot like the 277USA cartridge. They tested the .264 cartridge extensively last year. And the article mentioned also mentioned "SOCOM snipers will see barrel changes as early as next year to the commercially available 6.5mm round that will increase range, lethality, accuracy and reduce recoil." So the 6.5 in the mix for these changes.


New member
I'll believe there's a new issue round when I see it happen. Lot's of discussion between the cheek and the gum.
And I'll bet Remington won't be involved!


New member
That's a "telescopic" cartridge.

But... My biggest takeaway from your linked article was this quote:
“The chamber pressure for the standard assault rifle is around 45 KSI [kilopound per square inch], but we’re looking for between 60 and 80 KSI … the chamber pressure when an M1 Abrams tank fires is on that order,” Norman told Task & Purpose. (...)"

?? :confused:
5.56x45mm is already at 62k psi...
Some one needs to remove their head from their rectum and check their facts before speaking.


New member
"The Army Says Its Next-Generation Assault Rifle Will Pack A Punch Like A Tank’s Main Gun" Thank God no hyperbole in that statement. :rolleyes:


New member
A high-pressure multiple component version of a shot shell for rifle--what could possibly go wrong?:rolleyes::D

Can't wait for the Midsouth flyer: "on sale now--non-reloadable high pressure polymer cases--only $5.00 each!!"


New member
This subject pops up frequently.

Most of these things never pan out.
The army doesn’t want a bullet that can kill everything.

The army wants something that can perform at an acceptable level with the lowest possible cost. That’s what they got with the 5.56 a cartridge that performs just enough at a low cost.

This sounds like they want something that will defeat some light body armor and some cover material.

But, there’s a complete other thread, or for that matter 100s of threads, on the effectiveness of 5.56. No need to go down that road here


New member
Interesting read. Can't tell you happy I am that they are not picking the 6.5mm. I have nothing against the 6.5 but find a lot of the owners to be obnoxious with their opinion of it. It is a good cartridge but is not the best for everything.

Had the feeling they were leaning to the 6.8 for some time now.