Armslist & Gunbroker prices. =P


New member
What are these people smoking? I'm just browsing the handgun section good LORD! some of these guns are more expensive used then they are NEW! :confused:

It is hilarious and sad at the same time. :( Can't a guy just find a fair price on a gun?


New member
So true. I use all the time and some people are just proud of their stuff. I saw one guy trying to sell his used HI-Point C9 for $300.:eek:


New member
+1 , prices are getting a little crazy on the auction sites.

FWIW GunBroker has always had a lot of 'campers' - i.e. people who price high and just re-list each time their listing expires. But there do seem to be many more of them., which used to be AuctionArms, has an active Penny Auction section that's worth checking out.


New member
Yeah I've been noticing a similar trend, but with due diligence, the deals are still on those sites, you just have to look a little harder. I am not amazed when people try to sell used for the same price or only a little under price of new, but I am amazed when they try to sell for significantly more than new.

I do kind of hate how so many auctions seem to be a *RARE* firearm with fireworks that go off when you pull the trigger or some such, even if there are twenty other ones listed at the same time for much less.


New member
It's like an online pawn shop. :) At least with a brick and mortar store, you can haggle.
There are some good deals if you look, I got a great price on a like new S&W Model 22 that I absolutely love.


New member
I flagged several armslist ads as overpriced before I realized that they all were. :eek: In 52 pages of my state I found six that were within reason or fair. seems like the good ones are gone ASAP. USED 10/22s for the low price of 270! Bargains! USED GP-100s SS 6" 700! HOLD ME BACK! Going by this pricing logic my collection has easily quadrupled in value!

The best one I read was for a .22 Colt Trooper Mk3. Price was *Make Offer* It said 'if you know guns you know how much these are worth, no low offers don't waste my time' :rolleyes: LOL so I went to my 33rd BBoGV and looked it up. Top dollar its worth a whopping 475 in 98% condition! So I sent him that as an offer. I doubt that's what HE thinks its worth... I would honestly purchase it at that price. I'd like it in the collection. I hope he emails me a reply, to agree or to tell me how foolish I am. either way I win.
Remember something...

Gun prices are HIGHLY regional.

I've paid what some consider to be obscene prices for some of the guns I've bought on Gunbroker...

You paid $800 for THAT? That's not worth more than $15 and two sticks of Trident! CHEWED Trident!

The reason I paid $800 for that is because: 1) the last one of these I saw in my area was several years ago and 2) at that time is was almost $1,000.

If these things are hanging off trees in your area get off your butt, buy them, send them to me, I'll sell them at local gun shows for obscene prices and we'll split the difference.

That's when the Nattering Nabobs of Noobism tend to vaporize into the mist...


Can't a guy just find a fair price on a gun?

Can't a Lazy guy just find a fair price on a gun?

Time and money is on your side, with a whole lot of passions son.

After all, you do have a gun to protect your self for now don't you?

If not, do what I did, go to Walmart and get a machete $10.95. True story!


New member
I saw one guy trying to sell his used HI-Point C9 for $300.

And it may just bring that price to the right thug/felon who doesnt want a BG check or record of purchasing it at the local GS.
this doesnt apply to GB as much as to Armslist since its mostly local purchases and no shipping/transfers.

I have not sold many guns but of the ones I have I can remember at least 5 "potential buyers" that backed out when I told them I would require to see their CCW permit or if they didnt have one I wanted them to sign a "bill of sale" for my records showing who the gun was sold too.

During the time I was selling a few off I only listed one at a time until it was sold then listed another...
I had the same person contact me on every posting I had listed over a 3 week period even though they were vastly different types of firearms..... a 22 revolver, a 16ga dbl , 44 mag snubby and a 9mm semi auto. He never asked for details on the guns other than is that the best price and when can you meet me. Whenever I asked for a # to contact him at he stopped emailing. :rolleyes:


New member
Can't a Lazy guy just find a fair price on a gun?

Lazy? LAZY! I'll show you lazy! :D I spend lots of time hunting for guns. Its fun and relaxing 99% of the time.

I understand certain guns and models are more desirable especially when they are out of production but when a generic common model used and they are asking more then what I can purchase a brand new one of the same model? Cmon, that's foolish.

I just curious if others have been having the same problems.


New member
And it may just bring that price to the right thug/felon who doesnt want a BG check or record of purchasing it at the local GS.
this doesnt apply to GB as much as to Armslist since its mostly local purchases and no shipping/transfers.

I have not sold many guns but of the ones I have I can remember at least 5 "potential buyers" that backed out when I told them I would require to see their CCW permit or if they didnt have one I wanted them to sign a "bill of sale" for my records showing who the gun was sold too.

During the time I was selling a few off I only listed one at a time until it was sold then listed another...
I had the same person contact me on every posting I had listed over a 3 week period even though they were vastly different types of firearms..... a 22 revolver, a 16ga dbl , 44 mag snubby and a 9mm semi auto. He never asked for details on the guns other than is that the best price and when can you meet me. Whenever I asked for a # to contact him at he stopped emailing.

I have had some sketchy offers as well on some of the listings I have made. This would seem like a good way for a felon/thug to get a gun. I always make a bill of sale and require photo id, DL #, phone number and full name on it. I always add in my listing that felons and criminals need not apply.


New member
Buyer beware. Just because I'm asking for a certain amount doesn't mean that is what I'm actually selling it for.

And, if it just so happens that someone will give me what I'm asking for, that doesn't mean I won't take it either