"Arms race? Make mine a musket" - editorial


Member In Memoriam

"Arms race? Make mine a musket


Here we are again, all caught up in our recurring gun-control nightmare. The controversy won't go away. You have to wonder if the authors of our Constitution had any idea of the mischief they were causing with their one-sentence Second Amendment.

Was it late at night, and the old guys were tired and wanted to go home and get some sleep? Were they weary of arguing with each other, and were their powdered wigs getting itchy?

It seemed simple enough. The patriots had just won their independence from England, and they wanted to be sure they'd be ready if the redcoats wanted to take back their colonies.

Finally, one of them picked up a quill pen and scratched out, "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of the free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
"There, that ought to do it," he said. "Let's go home. We'll tackle the Third Amendment tomorrow. Anyone for a little nightcap?"

The National Rifle Association and other gunslingers have seized the simplicity of that moment to justify arming themselves with everything up to a 105mm howitzer. The framers of our Bill of Rights had no way of knowing their choice of the word "arms" would one day be interpreted to mean automatic and semi-automatic weapons, and that we would have a militia. It's called the National Guard.

How could they possibly have known about Tec-9 and Mac-10 pistols, or AK-47, M-16, AR-15 or the Ultimax-100 Chinese assault rifles you can pick up for around $450 at a gun show? None could predict machine guns would be widely used beginning in World War I.
They would be incredulous at the firepower of these weapons. Their frame of reference for "arms" quite simply was the musket and maybe a flint-lock pistol, or a pike, a long spear with a steel point. We can't blame them for not knowing the technological future of "arms."

They thought there was no harm in patriots having a musket handy to protect their hard-fought rights and maybe an attack by disgruntled Native Americans whose land they had illegally seized. And the trusty old musket was handy for a Thanksgiving turkey.
With this in mind, I am coming out of the closet to be a gun guy. So long as the NRA has seized that moment so long ago, I suggest we all ought to arm ourselves with muskets. I already have mine, a .50-caliber Hawken.

It is exactly like the one NRA head gunslinger Charlton Heston is holding in that magazine advertisement opposing gun control. I don't know where he got his Hawken, but my son, Jon, and I made mine. It's a beauty, too, with a polished brass butt plate with my initials engraved on it. The stock is walnut I lovingly hand-rubbed with linseed oil.

Black-powder firearms don't have the killing power of today's assault rifles. A good black-powder guy can get off about one shot per minute. If Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris had been armed with muskets, how many Columbine victims would have been spared?
OK, so muskets and Kentucky long rifles are not easily concealed, but what the heck, we gunslingers will just have to make do.

Gene Amole's column appears Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. (gamole@aol.com)

February 8, 2000 "
My comments later ....


New member
Gee, this sure sounds familiar. Where have I heard this before. Oh, that's right - the extremely articulate BATF agent who says we should "fugedeboud da Founding Fathers."

BTW, what's this guy need with a .50Cal antique assault weapon? Surely something smaller would be more than adequate for dispatching turkeys...

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein


New member
Gee, good thing not many people are hit by musket fire. I dread to think about losing my Bess if someone saw the result of a body whacked by a slow-moving, 545 gr, .75 cal ball. Anyone reasonably proficient and having preloaded paper cartriges, can do rapid fire with this baby at an amazing 3 rpm!!!
Of course, I have a pistol that is slightly more humane at .69 cal. :D
The beauty of these weapons is that I can load for +P or magnum, and nobody will be the wiser!
Oh, and let's not forget that triangular bayonet.......


Die Wahrheit ist eine Perle. Werfen sie nicht vor die Säue.


New member
My email to this clown:

I would suggest, Sir, that if you cannot do better research on the Second Amendment than what was illustrated in your recent editorial, you may want to consider going back to journalism school.
Best regards,


Member In Memoriam
"Congratulations, Gene, on your recent Hawkins purchase (Arm’s Race 2/8/00).

Hopefully, your assembly skill of the musket is greater than your grasp of history.

Having recently thrown off a tyrannical government, the Framers were most certainly aware of the purpose of the Second Amendment (actually, Article Two) and labored long and hard to exactly state their intentions. "Liberty’s teeth" is a phrase often used in its description.

The National Guard was brought into being fully 100 years after the Framers "quickly jotted down" The Second in their "rush to have a nightcap," and has no bearing on your sad analysis.

Having provided for a patent office to accommodate technological advances, they knew full-well that they would be forthcoming.

To equate the modern technology argument to The Second is to say also that The First is not valid for such. Back to the quill pen and ink-well, Gene. The Framers obviously didn’t intend The First to apply to miracles such as the internet, fax machines or ball point pen.

Yes, here we are again. Another maladroit endeavor to disregard that embarrassing Second Amendment."


New member
Well, if the colonial "rebels" were armed with bows & arrows and swords (no muskets), we would all be singing "God Save the Queen", driving on the left side of the road, and having tea and crumpets. Oh yea, we would also be allied with the Scots and Irish. This guy need "re-education".

"Ray guns don't vaporize Zorbonians, Zorbonians vaporize Zorbonians" The Far Side


New member
For those binterested in writing the Letters to the Editor column, the address is:


Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited February 08, 2000).]


Member In Memoriam
Hmmm, that's strange,I got letters@RockyMountainNews.com
out of the Sunday RMN but looking at today's
paper, you're right, Jim.


New member
My letter to the editor:

Re: Arms race? Make mine a musket (2-8-00)

In his article, Gene Amole states that the founders of this nation could not foresee many things having to do with the advancing technology of firearms.

What they really did not foresee was that there would be Americans, especially those for whom a special place was reserved in the First Amendment, who would so little appreciate their sacrifices that they would have the audacity to suggest that they would hold the desire for a cocktail in higher precedence than their “lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor”.

Yes, Mr. Amole, as they “picked up a quill pen” they had no idea that the author of the future would hold a ball point pen in its place, and;

Yes, Mr. Amole, they could not have known about machine guns – just as they could not have known about word processors that can capture the printed word as fast as the fingers can type them, and;

Yes, Mr. Amole, they would, indeed, be incredulous at the firepower of these weapons – just as they would be incredulous at the power of the Internet, and;

Yes, Mr. Amole, they would be incredulous at your short-sided sense of history, and your willingness to discard their sacrifices, and all who followed, to make sure you kept your freedom to disparage their finest effort in their finest hour.


Jim Peel

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited February 08, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited February 08, 2000).]


New member
What he doesn't realize is that despite the great improvements in small arms, the effects of combat have not changed much. Regardless of whether both sides have swords or M16s, the results are little different as long as both sides have equivalent weapons. The key is equality: sword is useless against musket, and musket is useless against machinegun, but with same vs. same the results differ little. Columbine would have been roughly the same even if they had four swords or four muskets instead of four modern guns.

[This message has been edited by ctdonath (edited February 08, 2000).]

Munro Williams

New member
It's idiots like this who give us smoke-polers a bad name. Gonna have to get an M-1 when I get home and about 1,000 rounds of ball ammunition.
