arms manufacturers and Atlas


New member
Hrmm.. here's a question for you.

Let's say you own Bushmaster. Or Rock River, or RobArm, or any of the other domestic manufacturers of ARs or other icky evil black rifles.

Would you sell your product to LEO agencies in California, or in other states that won't let the citizens of same state own the same weapon?

I'm thinking by being willing to sell only to LE where that's the law, they're slitting their own throats in the long run. Perhaps if the AG of various states (and the US) knew they couldn't GET arms their citizens couldn't own as well, they'd not be all high and mighty about banning 'em?

Or then again, maybe they'd just up the orders to HK.

Still it would be a great selling point to citizens in other states, I would think. "We value your liberty over our bottom line" -- give the antis fits to, I'd imagine.

I reckon I'm just tired of seeing even the arms manufacturers not showing some spine when its in their own best long term interest. What do y'all think?

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Moderator Emeritus
When I...

...heard about the first lawsuits by cities against the gun manufacturers, I thought that the best response would be for the manufacturers to collectively respond "I hope your boys in blue are gonna like serving no-knocks with billy clubs, because it'll be a cold day in hell before we sell you another gun".


New member
This is interesting and thought-provoking but you remember Marx said words to the effect:

Capitalism will sell us the rope we use to hang them.:eek:


New member
Hell, I'm still waiting for ONE -- count 'em -- ONE, just one, any one firearms manufacturer to countersue these cities, mayors, etc.

I have written to the NSSF with this question and gotten no answer.

I have called and left messages at NSSF and gotten no answer.

The first thing one does when sued is to countersue. Even if the countersuit is without merit, it strips money from the coffers of the one that sued you. In fact, it may be held as having merit and you might just win a default if their suit is thrown out leaving your standing. Why the manufacturers continue to bend over and grab their ankles I'll never know.

By the by:

If the cigarette manufacturers had simply told Florida, the first state to sue them, that they would no longer fill orders in that state until the matter was resolved, thereby cutting off the teat that feeds these moneygrubbers; there would never have been any second suit filed against them. More importantly, there would never have been any suits filed against firearms manuyfacturers.