Armed pilots in the cockpit:


New member
I hope you all listen to the absolute HOWL set up by the 'sheeple people' when it is suggested that pilots be allowed to carry GUNS into the cockpit to thwart takeover by suicide bent terrorists! Heavens! Guns would actually be a DANGER! What the H--- to they think happened WITHOUT pilots having a means to defend themselves! Sheeesh!

Dr Heckel

New member
Pilots are there to fly the plane and get people from A-to-B safely. They should be behind an inpenetrable cockpit door with no way for anyone to enter. There needs to be a well trained person on board who is armed and their sole duty to protect the passengers against hijackings. If these two changes were made, those sheit-for-brain terrorists would have to think of some other way to terrorize Americans............which they would. :mad:


New member
The friggin idiot commentator on ABC was saying that "most pilots today have no military background and it would be too hard to train them to be gunslingers as well as pilots".
I wanted to pick up my friend's TV and throw it through the window. What does this idiot reporter know about guns, shooting, use of force, LEO training etc to qualify him to make statements like that? He has no problem with police carrying guns on planes though, so Obviously he has NO CLUE just how little training cops really get with guns. It pisses me off when these coddled ignorant newscasters give OPINION on subjects they know nothing about. The least they could do as a journalist is get someone on there that knows something about guns and ask them how much time it would take to train pilots to use a gun to defend the cabin.


New member
Why not arm pilots? There is no magic provision that will suddenly make everything safe. Heavy door is one possibility. Hijack signal from cockpit is another. How 'bout letting pilots use evasive maneuvers during hijack to throw the BG's out of position. How 'bout (ready for this) arming passengers? How 'bout flooding the cabin with disabling gas?

I don't know what the eventual mix of solutions will be, but I guarantee you the single most effective provision would be to allow passengers the right of self-defense however you want to define that term. And that will be precisely the solution the FAA will avoid.

Herr Walther

New member
I agree that there should be a steel bulkhead separating the cabin from the flight deck along with an impenentrable door.

A good pull-up or push-over manuver will generally wreak havoc with anyone not strapped in. That can really ruin your whole flight experience. Uncoordinated turns are another option, but generally not as violent as the former.

Depressurizing the cabin above FL140 and pulling the cabin O2 supply breakers will put 'em on the floor too.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Arm the flight crew.
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Yep, concur with training and arming them. They don't have to be trained to shoot like Sky Marshals, but just good enough to hit a human head from a distance equal to the length of the cockpit. course of fire, sit turn around and shoot backwards. The cockpit doors should be hardened too.


New member
I was an air traffice controller for 11 years, yes I was fired in '81 by Reagan or else it would have been longer, and during that time I flew in the cockpit and talked with the pilots on a variety of subjects. One thing I found out was that at that time many of the pilots were still active in the reserves or national guard. Before joining the FAA I served as a navigator in the RF-4C and was involved in the Pueblo incident. Many of the pilots called up over that were airline pilots and in the guard or reserve. I don't know who the ABC commentator was that said that airline pilots were not military, but he was way out of line. I don't believe that it was John Nance that said that as I find him to be creditable.