Armed Homeowner Stops Son of Nashville Celebrity in Attempted Robbery...


New member
A minor Nashville celebrity anyway. The kid and his accomplice apparently had a Tech 22 and a Bulgarian AK.

Here's the link to the complete story and the follow up story:

Forest Hills homeowner wounds burglary

Staff Writer

A Forest Hills man shot two armed
burglars at his home early yesterday
morning and, police say, the burglars
were lucky that Roy Luckett grabbed
his wife's gun.

When the burglar alarm went off at 2
a.m. in Luckett's two-story home at
939 Tyne Blvd., it woke him and his
wife, Patsy. Luckett had the choice of
two guns in their bedroom — his
.45-caliber handgun and his wife's less
powerful, .38-caliber pistol, loaded
with ''snake shot'' pellets.

He grabbed the .38 and went

After searching the first floor, Luckett,
67, went to the basement, where a
door near the garage was cracked
open, his attorney Clark Spoden said.

Luckett thought the wind had blown it
open; he closed the door and was
about to go back upstairs when Patsy called down to him.

''She said, 'Did you check all the rooms?' '' Spoden said. ''(Luckett) was in a
storage room adjacent to the furnace room and heard this noise.''

Luckett opened the furnace-room door to find two figures standing in the
darkness, and he fired three times, emptying the gun, Spoden said.

Police say the two burglary suspects were masked and armed with rifles, Spoden

The pellets hit one suspect, Micah R. Ladd, 20, in the arm. The other suspect, a
juvenile, 17, whose name police withheld, was hit in the face.

Luckett ran upstairs and grabbed the .45. The suspects struggled to get the garage
door open and once they did, fled through the garage, police and Spoden said.

The pair fired 14 rounds from at least one of the rifles into Patsy Luckett's sport
utility vehicle, piercing its body and shattering a window, Spoden and police said.

When police arrived in the neighborhood, where homes are appraised in the $1
million range, they followed a trail of blood from the Lucketts' furnace room,
through the garage and into the woods, where they found a black mask and a

Metro police say the two wounded suspects stopped near the Harding
Place/Humber Drive intersection and phoned for medical help.

Ladd, who was treated and released from a hospital, admitted to the burglary,
according to a police statement, and led detectives to the two rifles that he had
stashed at his home at Hillview Heights near Franklin Pike before calling for
medical help.

The juvenile is being treated at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and will be
booked into juvenile detention upon release, the police statement said.

The Lucketts were not injured. Metro police spokesman Don Aaron was quoted
in a television report saying that the two suspects were fortunate Roy Luckett
chose the gun he did.

Luckett said he does not know why the suspects stayed in the house after the
alarm went off.

''They were lucky I didn't take the .45,'' he said.

''No telling what would have happened. God just guided me through that night.''

Charlie Chase: 'We're in complete shock'

In a statement released today,
television personality Charlie Chase
acknowledges that his son, David
Bernard, 17, was the unnamed teen
shot early Sunday while allegedly
committing a burglary along with a
20-year-old man. Charlie Chase is a
professional name for Charles W.

Here is the complete text of Chase's

''My family and I simply don't
understand what has happened. We're
in complete shock.

''We are just now beginning to learn
details. The whole matter seems so

''Whatever did happen, we are
thankful that David is alive. It was
traumatic for everyone involved,
including Mr. and Mrs. Luckett. Our
thoughts are with them as well.

''What's important now for us as a
family is to support our son. We don't know what the future holds. Our only
requests are for everyone's prayers and support and for the understanding that
would allow David and us to deal with this as private individuals.''

While not releasing the teen's name, Metro police said that a Juvenile Court arrest
order listing six charges was issued this afternoon for the 17-year-old involved in
the burglary of the Luckett residence at 939 Tyne Boulevard.

Upon his release from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, the 17-year-old will
be booked on charges of aggravated criminal trespassing, aggravated burglary,
criminal attempt to commit aggravated robbery, possession of burglary tools,
felony vandalism and unlawful weapon possession, police said.

The 17-year-old is recovering after being shot in the face by homeowner Roy
Luckett, who discovered the teen and Micah Ladd, 20, masked and in a lower
level storage room of the residence shortly after 2 a.m. yesterday, police said.
Luckett was alerted to the break-in by his home alarm system.

Ladd, who was shot in the arm, was treated and released from General Hospital
and was charged Sunday with aggravated burglary. His bond was set at
$100,000. Additional charges against Ladd are expected to be placed later,
police said.

Police said the investigation indicates that Ladd and the 17-year-old intended to
rob Luckett and his wife, Patsy. Ladd and the teen were armed with a Tech 22
pistol-type gun and a Bulgarian made assault-type rifle closely resembling an
AK-47. The investigation into where the two got the guns is continuing, police
said. They were recovered from Ladd's 831 Hillview Heights residence yesterday
following his arrest.

Charlie Chase and Lorianne Cook launched their television variety show, Crook
& Chase, in 1986. It aired for a decade on TNN, then in syndication in 1996 for
a year, before it returned to TNN. The network dropped the show in late 1999

The duo are now hosts of the Crook & Chase Country Countdown, a nationally
syndicated radio show.


New member
"and he fired three times, emptying the gun,"
A three shot .38???

I liked the show "Crook & Chase ", He is funny.


New member
The home owner went up against two guys with a Tech-22 and an AK with a .38 loaded with birdshot? I bet he soiled his shorts when he found out what they were packing.

''Whatever did happen, we are
thankful that David is alive. It was
traumatic for everyone involved,
including Mr. and Mrs. Luckett. Our
thoughts are with them as well.
His parents dont seem to realize that his son was committing a home invasion while carrying an AK and that he could have been shot to death or he could have murdered the home owner. His parents should be thankful that the homeowner didnt bring his .45 to begin with.



New member
Hats off to Mr. Luckett. The man didn't hesitate and it probably saved his life. He'll probably have nightmares over what could have happened. All in all, it was probably the best of all possible outcomes. He stopped the threat and the bad guys are being brought to justice.

I feel bad for Charlie but not for his son. His son can consider himself very lucky and will have a chance to start his life over, but hopefully not for about 20 years. If that snake gun had had three more rounds the emergency room would have had a real mess to clean up.


New member
To compensate for the trauma of the experience, the homeowner should get to keep the two rifles used in the robbery.


New member
I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but a Tec 22, and an AK clone? :barf:

Not to make light of the situation, but my immediate thought upon reading about the kid getting hit in the face with birdshot was the image of the character 'Arseface' from the Preacher comic book series.


New member
I'd take the ak, especially if it's a nice bulgarian arsenal AK - those seem to have a good reputation. As for the tec-22, it can be sold for other fun stuff.

Captured criminals surrendering their wares: The ultimate 'loser pays' system.


New member
Ok, I have to ask....

Why snake shot?

I would, most likely, have grabbed either my shotgun or my Ruger kp90, or perhaps my Springfield .45.

If he had grabbed the .45 or had hydrashoks in that .38, I wonder if the kid's parents would have been as gregarious while making funeral arrangements for their 17 yr old, as they are just worrying about getting him defended for all the charges

I'm guessing they'd be lining up with the anti's right now and begging for criminal charges against Mr. Luckett (Luck is in his name and he is LUCKY the kid with the AK didn't shoot when the door opened)

Why do kids do these things? I did some stupid ****, but I never broke in to anyone's home, guess it's how you're raised.....


Likely the wife's .38 was loaded with snakeshot because she didn't want to really "hurt" anyone. :rolleyes: Darned dangerous attitude that could have gotten her husband and herself killed.

What I can't get straight is why one of them chose to shoot up the SUV instead of just getting the hell out of Dodge [or Belle Meade, as it were].

Thank God they were amateurs...

El Rojo

New member
You shoot up the SUV because you are pissed the guy shot you. It is just a little payback. The good thing is that little stunt is going to cost them more time. :D


New member
Snakeshot, rock salt shotshells, birdshot...
Non are good choices for HD.
And to load only 3rounds??? :eek: