Armchair Commando Exposed!


New member
I have to laugh at a friend of mine. He has a basement full of ammo and talks a good game about handguns. He's always on me about the 10mm Auto and my revolvers. (Why would anyone use those? No one issues a 10mm for a reason.) Or how bad my FAL is compared to the AR-15.

He's entitled to his opinions of course and I respect them.

We finally get out to the range and he's...well...not so good. Ok, really not good at all. So bad in fact that out of 15 rounds from the Glock 20, I'm not sure he hit the target. I was kind of surprised, really! I mean, he talks a good game...

I don't claim to be the best, but I do hit my target most of the time! (Or at least once per mag!!! :) )

Does anyone have any good armchair commando stories to share?


New member
Actually had the opposite happen. I went shooting with 3 guys I work with and since we always talk guns we all just assumed the others would be better. So each one of us downplayed our abilities because if we got too cocky then couldn't deliver we would never be allowed to forget it. Everyone shot better than they claimed they could.


"Top Cop": S&W 5906 armed security training...

I've seen a few "gun shop Rangers" & "weekend Rambos" in my day.

One of the worst that comes to mind was a hot-head nitwit who was in my armed security class about 8 years ago.
This nutbag claimed to be a "ex" sworn LE officer(a small PD with about 80 sworn members).
I found this strange because he did not understand what a DA only pistol was & had no idea who Jeff Cooper or Massad Ayoob were. :(
He took the course with a used S&W model 5906 9x19mm that was in such poor shape & unstable the class instructor had him switch to a security school Glock 19 pistol.
The "Top Cop" prattled on about holding subjects at gunpoint & screaming profanity at them. I had a hard time seeing this nutbar as a uniformed police officer, even in a small town. I wouldn't trust him with a bag of marshmellows & a box of crayons. :(

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Well, we all know what opinions are like.;) Some people just like guns that go "boom" instead of "pop". I like the FAL and the 10mm as well. As a matter of fact, the Winston-Salem Police Department issued the S&W 1076 to its force for over 10 years. Shooting a .40 and bashing its parent cartridge is akin to running through many boxes of .38 Specials without firing a single .357 Magnum round for comparison. It just doesn't make sense to me.

A guy I work with is a long time hunter and shooter of all types of firearms. We have many nightly discussions on the aspects of almost any shooting subject that could be brought onto the table. He does seem to have a penchant for smaller calibers (he's a miniscule 137 lbs. and 5'6" by his own admission). Be that as it may, he also has quite a large opinion of his choices and preferences over almost anyone else's.

The other night, he invited me over to view three recovered slugs from different deer he had taken. One was from a .270 Winchester, and the other two were from .243 Winchesters. He knows I've also taken deer and owned rifles of the same calibers. The term "perfect mushroom" and "perfect shot" came about several times during the long stories. Also being an avid fisherman, I let the little Guppie run with all the line he could muster until I deemed the time adequate for setting the hook quite deeply into his little loose jowels.

As he finished his last spin, I kept asking how he could have found all these slugs anywhere at all, perfect as they all must be. He looked quite shocked, mouth agape, and wanted to know why I didn't have many such slugs on display from recoveries of my own? I simply added (with a large jerk of the proverbial rod) that most of the animals I've taken would have never had enough hide to hold more substantial calibers back--even if they were skinned in Kevlar! :eek: I really hate to hear what he dreams up next. ;)



New member
I was at the range sighting-in my Ruger 10/22 (bought it 10 years ago for some reason I can't remember but finally got it out this year to hunt small game) at 50 yards. A guy and his friend (in their early 20s) brought 2 brand new AR-15s and a .44Mag with them. After they put about 20-40 rounds downfield (at the 100 yards mark) and retrieved their targets, there was not one hole on the target. One guy complained that the $450 scope he bought was defective and said that he should have bought the $625 model. Then they put the same target at 50 yards. Another 30 or so rounds went downfield. I went down to check my targets and saw 1 hole in the upper left of their target. The guys were cussing up a storm and now complaining that there's something wrong with the ammunition. They went back and took off the scope and now is shooting at 50 yards with open sights. Another 30 or so rounds went downfield. This time, about 5 holes were on the target, but all over the target and not grouping well for them. They went back and one guy put a 100 rnds "round plastic type of magazine" on his AR-15. Shot all the rounds (but it kept jamming on him every 5 shots or so), toss the guns back in the cases and left.


New member
The proof is on the range:D

I don't know who Massad Ayoob or Jeff Cooper are :rolleyes:,,, could really care less, a guy named Corperal Stapleton taught me to shoot well enough to put the odds in my favor. DA only pistol? What's that,,,,,, why do people insist on using acronyms to prove knowledge of a subject, or to make other people feel ignorant. Double action, sure, DA????? That acronym could even apply to a person's knowledge base.

20 years in the Army I can fill this posting up with armchair SME's, (subject matter experts), but will relate my story from outside that venue.

It was in the town of Lietchfield KY where a little skeet competition was going on. This guy and his son showed up from Louisville sporting all the new innovations in skeet and shooting Browning Citoris - beautiful guns. The first guy the son came up against was this redneck looking guy with a beat up baseball cap shooting an 870 that looked like it had seen better days. The comment was heard from the son; "watch me smoke this redneck". We all meandered over to where the father was to watch the match. The son got smoked. As he was walking back towards us he was blaming everything except himself, how could someone beat him with a piece of "STUFF" shotgun and then tossed the Browning into it's case. This old timer behind me then spoke; " Son, that shotgun of his didn't get to lookin that way sittin in a safe" as the oldtimer turned and walked away he was heard to say "good thing you were'nt shootin archery against him, he's better at that". The moment - specail,,,,the look on the sons face - priceless.

It ain't the talk, it ain't the equipment - the proof's on the range.:D


New member
Went to a pistol tournament in Augusta GA when I was in the Army. 3 of us drove down from Ft. Bragg, NC. My buddy had worked at the gun club when he was stationed down there. So we get there are the tournament was in a Sheriff's tire house. Real cool and for the most part everyone was real nice. The tournament is set up that each shooter is called at random to shoot 1 of 3 stages. Eventually each person shoots all 3 stages. Well, we kept getting questions asking what group we were with. None of us were Special Forces, 2 of us just happen to shoot pretty good. I guess they figured cause we had NC plates on the car, I was wearing HighTec boots and my buddy had on desert boots we had to be SF. We get this guy (he didn't shoot too good) come up and start talking to us. He asked the same questions. We informed him we were not SF. He then claimed he was in the Intelligence field, we kind of blew him off and then he bursts out with "Well I am a Warrant Officer" at that point we laughed at him and walked away.

I ended up getting 2nd in the tournament. Some people just need to try and prove they are better

ohen cepel

New member
In a shop recenlty when the guy behind the counter read the manual on a buyer's new Kimber for suggested ammo. It suggested, 230gr FMJ to break it in.

The gun store commando actually said "230gr FMJ, not a very common round". Then went looking for it. I guess he's so caught up in the HP "death ray" stuff that he missed the last 100 years or so.


New member
Uh...I can, AND I teach!!!

Oh, I can read too. I read that "gecko45" thread and I'm still chuckling. I honestly believe that was just one or maybe two guys just pulling everyone's collective legs, just laying the crap on thick and seeing who would bite.
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New member
does that make me an armchair generalissimo with 25,000 posts?

So now I suppose we have to call you Sir?

Aarond - Armchair Staff Sergeant


New member

probably been a good time to offer to take those defective scopes , maybe the ar"s off their hands...... at a reduced, used and of course, faulty price....:D


New member

i knew how your story was going to end , before i'd finished reading it.
logic tellls a person that a person from the country, raised in a rual setting, will most likely out shoot, out hunt , out fish, and just have a better understanding of the outdoors than a person that was raised, lives in the big city.
main reason is , they where taught at a very young age all things. they had to hunt for food, fish , making your shots count etc. growing up in the country, on a farm, ranch has alot of perks that most ,saddly don't.
not trying to offend anyone , just sayin.
then their those that have a natural born talent.