

New member
A friend called to ask my opinion about the Armalite AR-15. I told him I believe Armalite has a good reputation. Did I lead him astray? I am not an expert on ARs, you know the "Assault Rifle" as the media loves to call it.


New member
An original Armalite is worth a fortune, the reorganized company (s) not so much. The Armalite of today is an entry level rifle that is priced a bit above others in its class, with nothing exciting to offset the additional cost. I shot one recently and have nothing derogatory to say about the rifle, it did what it is designed to do with boring rapidity.


New member
Armalite AR 15...what the media and general public does not know. Even some who are not totally ignorant of firearms think "AR" stands for assault rifle.


New member
I was quite tactfully corrected on this site when I messed up on this.
AR is just the first two letters of Armalite.

It is NOT "Assault Rifle"
It is NOT "Armalite Rifle"
And it is definitely not "Arkansas Rifle" :D

There is a Youtube video trying to give information about the Sutherland Springs Texas church shooting and the computerized voice describing events took AR as Arkansas and pronounced it that way.

My bad explanation is here:

The Youtube video is here, "Arkansas assault rifle" is at about the 1 minute 10 second mark:
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They USED to have a good reputation. Mark Westrom bought the name back in the 1990s from Fairchild and it has gone down hill from when he owned/sold it ever since. If you have an opportunity to buy a version that is still around from the 90's to today it has no special value. The company is all but defunct now. Support = Zero. Unless it's dirt cheap walk away.

Hunter Customs

New member
I have an Armalite VSR that I'm very pleased with. It has many of the goodies that are standard features that a lot of shooters add to their rifles. It also has the sweetest trigger of any out of the box AR that I've ever shot, this includes several AR's from custom manufactures. Accuracy of the VSR is excellent, I have no trouble hitting an 8 inch steel plate at 500 yards supporting the rifle across the back of my pickup. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase another VSR.


New member
I think it depends on the time frame and which plant it comes out of. Understand that Armalite is now under Stratigic Arms Corps, which is a sole proprietor business, not a mega corporation that is only concerned about shareholders profits.

Under SAC there is McMillian Firearms, Surgeon Rifles and AWC Suppressors. I was told by the operations manager they are in the process of shutting down the Illinois plant do to lack of QC and all products will be made under one roof.

I was very fortunate to get an in-depth tour with just me and 2other people and some good one on one time (about 30-45 minutes) with the operations manager after my tour. My information is not I heard from a friend that heard from a friend. This info is directly from the people in charge.

Again, as long as I know for certain I am getting the rifle from the new plant you bet ya. And by the amount they had in the racks I’m guessing the Illinois plant was probably already all but empty.

I’m sure someone will say they are probably sending then from the old plant to the new and just boxing them and shipping from there. Well if they are they sure are putting on one heck of a front with all the uppers, lowers boltcariers and etc that I saw in various stages of of manufacture. I saw every thing from parts in the CNC being manufactured to finished parts in the white to complete rifles.

Was cool as heck! Kinda wish I didnt have to leave to go to work that day, probably better or I could of spent some serious coin, especially on the Surgeon’s.

wayne in boca

New member
I have 4 Armalites.The oldest is an AR180,made in 1969 when Armalite was a division of Fairchild Aviation.The other 3 are one AR10A2,type B,one AR10A4,type B and finally one AR10T,also type B.All of these rifles are magnificent,wonderful rifles that I will never part with.Sweet shooters.


New member
Wayne, Yes the older Armalite are fine rifles but the issue is today’s production which falls into the same pile as so many other AR’s......acceptable shooter but not any more exciting than the rest of the pack priced near the same.


New member
I can't speak for their newer rifles or their M-15 rifles but I have one of their AR10(T) rifles which I built a match rifle from and it has been one of the best rifles of its type I have ever owned. Guessing I bought it maybe 25 years ago. If I were looking for an AR-15 type rifle today I would certainly consider the Armalite rifles.



New member
You might want to describe the circumstances, like is it a used one or "good deal" at a local shop, or just his 1st purchase like this.


New member
DUKE I will say you are wrong about Arma Lite I have 2 of them and both will shoot 1/2 MOA at a 100 yards. They are very nice guns and are a very nice tight fit. They like different rounds one like 69 Gr and the other likes a 62 64 Gr bullets I have an Windham VEX-SS Varmint that shoots 1/2 MOA at a 100Yd also. I shoot target most of the time. I reloads 99% of my ammo. I also have replaced all of my AR,S triggers with drop in some are 31/2 Lb and some are 3lb The triggers is what helps to make it more accurate less trigger pull. I am 78 years old and still love shooting good guns. These gun was made in 2016 & 2017!!!
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New member
Arma Lite I have 2 of them and both will shoot 1/2 MOA at a 100 yards. They are very nice guns and are a very tight fit....
^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^
For the money, I would rate them a "Best Buy"