Armalite pre-ban lower...what's it worth???


I have an Armalite AR lower that has been confirmed pre-ban. While I do not intend to sell it, about how much is it worth? It's in VG+ condition (very minor wear marks from me playing with my new toy). Thanks!!!


New member
is it confirmed that it existed as a built up SAW prior to september 1994? If it has never been built up, then it is only able to be built up in a post ban configuration.

If it ever existed as a funtioning rifle pre ban then it is a "pre ban" lower.



New member
IMO: Ain't worth more than $250-$300 complete with buttstock, as you can't do anything with it but build a Post ban (yuk!) or use it on as a replacement part on a "verified" Preban AR (and how often do you scrap a lower?) & destroy the original "damaged" lower receiver, regardless when the lower was made. Great rules they made huh? You could always use it for a nice Preban paper weight. Glad you answered the mans question 66. At least dZ offered his opinion.

Rex Feral

New member
manny1 is a little confused here.

If the lower was EVER a complete rifle before the ban, it can be used to build a complete new pre-ban rifle, not just to replace an existing pre-ban lower.

That being said, prices are dropping now, with the Y2K scare being over and G.W.B. looking more like the President every day. I don't see too many pre-ban Armalite lowers, but I'd say around $800.


New member

The word is "Verified" PreBan. Gotta have the proof. Just cause a Company site "states" that it Preban, Get the paperwork to prove it. Both mine are "Verified" PreBan, so this ain't my problem. Just gave my opinion. I see Rex your a Carpenter. You wouldn't happen to be a Union Carpenter would ya?


New member
If Armalite says it left the factory as a built up rifle, then that's a safe preban lower.

i was at a gun show looking at a preban colt for 1200 bucks.
i asked another shop owner if he had a serial number list handy to check the # against. He said that the responsibility of the preban status was on the seller and if there was ever an issue with the gun the dealer was on the line not me.

i am a bit more cautious than that, about potentially committing a felony.

10 years from now, who is the BATF gonna hand out the jail time to?

The safest preban SAWs are ones that left the factory as built up rifles. A new in the box "never been assembled" lower with a preban serial number, must have been assembled as a functioning rifle for the preban clause to have legal traction. I have not heard of any cases where the gunowner has been charged with assembling a SAW on a NIB lower.

It is a matter of comfort level.
You may never have to verify the status of a gun, but what if you had to? What would happen if you had a 1993 lower assembled with 1999 bushmaster parts? If the lower left the factory as a stripped receiver, the manufacturer cannot legally certify that the part was assembled on a SAW pre 1994. It is a grey area.

Since George says Armalite confirms his lowers preban status, i would value the assembled lower at 600 - 800 dollars & i would build it up to a functioning gun and document its heritage.

The value of the preban SAW is that the gun can have a collapsible stock, threaded barrel end, flash hider & a bayonet lug. The end user has to determine the value of these parts to his/her gun ownership experience.




For the guys who actually read my original post, my followup, and answered the question, my most sincere thanks. I have a letter on the rifle confirming status, so I'm covered under the law (something I am actually familiar with). I asked for How Much, not what is the law and/or what do I need to make it legal.

Rex Feral

New member
A little touchy aren't we manny1?

I have never, and will never work a union job.

I was responsible for forming a group that sucessfully prevented the unionizing of a shop where I worked for 10 years.

BTW, the proper word to use in your sentence criticizing me would be you're not your.


New member
George I am a bit confused. The current Armalite was not around before the AWB. Prior to the ban, they were Eagle Arms, then they bought the rights to use the Armalite name.
Is it an Eagle Arms lower?
If it is a preban Eagle Arms lower, it is worth about $7-900, depending on where you are trying to sell it.


New member
I know I am in the minority here, but I say build it in the dreaded postban configuration. Lose the bayonet lug and flash hider and install a high quality barrel with a proper muzzle crown. You will have a screamingly good accurate rifle whether the barrel is 16" or 20". 1/9 twist ratio is recommended.