Armalite AR-24


New member
I saw one at my LGS for $399 and it looks and feels pretty good. Anybody here own one or shot one? What are your opinions or thoughts about this pistol? Is $399 a good price?


New member
I have one, and I paid $100 more than you did (darn it!!!), but I think it's worth twice as much. Mine does have fully adjustable sights. I'm sure that adds to the cost.
I really enjoy mine as a range gun. I have better/lighter/smaller options for other uses. It is definitely one of the most accurate and fun to shoot pistols I have. My STI GP6 is the only other to group as tightly.
It has not had any malfunctions to date through several hundred rounds with a variety of bulk ammo (Winchester white box mostly).
For $399, I'd jump on it. It's a blast (no pun intended).


New member
Thanks daferg2. I was starting to think no one else had this gun. I have a couple other questions. How's the trigger? What would you compare it to?

chris in va

New member
I haven't heard too many bad reports about it. A clone of a clone of the CZ, made in Turkey. If you just want a stand-alone range pistol, should work fine. I'd be concerned about finding aftermarket parts, not sure if it jives with other manufacturers (mags, sights, holsters etc).


New member
How's the trigger? What would you compare it to?

The trigger was a bit gritty out of the box, but after a couple hundred rounds it's smoothing out very nicely. It's not "glass rod breaking" like some of my 1911s, but it wasn't meant to be. For a combat style firearm, it's pretty darn good though. The DA is pretty long and stout (10-12lbs maybe. I haven't measured it), but the SA is less than half that. I like it at least.

I've read elsewhere to give it a few hundred rounds before passing judgement, and I read that to mean that maybe it wasn't reliable, but I think it's meant more to allow the action and trigger to smooth out, which it does. I haven't had a single failure of any kind yet. It's built like a forged tank and I think it'll survive longer than I will.

I don't call myself a great shooter, but I can shoot 25 foot groups standing up, free hand, slow fire, that measure 2" without a lot of effort. Most of my other pistols I'm happy if I can do 4-5". It amazes me every time I take it out, and it makes me look like a pro.


New member
I was thinking about one of these too. Supposed to be a pretty good clone.

I would do the one with adjustable sites cause i thought i read the fixed ones if off are hard to replace or there are not too many options to replace them with.

But nevertheless, if it was my money, I would probably grab it.


New member
I have my sights on a few items and this is one of them. The others are the RIA 1911 4", Stoeger Cougar, and SA 1911 Micro. I wish I could get them all but x-mas is the time for giving. :)

I'm hoping to get at least one of them.
I looked real hard at these when I bought my P345. The triggers on the three examples I held were very crisp and around 5-6lbs. The DA had some grit. They were very comfortable, but they were also pretty heavy. What turned me off was the looks (no offense, but I don't think any of the 75s are that pretty either, very nice shooters though) and the chamber support. I really wanted good chamber support, as well as leaning towards the .45ACP.


New member

Have had one for about 4 months. No issues at all; worked perfect right out of the box. Fully adjustable rear sight, set-screw adj. front sight. Nice and heavy (all steel) and VERY accurate. A buddy chose it from a host of 9MM pistols I have to borrow/shoot USPSA he wants to buy it! Trigger pull and action smooth out nicely after a few hundred rounds, as others have said. Good grip ergonomics. Also found that Mec-Gar GT21-16 work..bonus! They're much better than the EAA ones in my opinion. Now if I can figure out which fiber optic front sight will work.