Armalite AR-10


New member
What can you tell me about that rifle at the bottom of this page: ?

The owner told me that it's a very rare firearm, produced in the late 1950s (also mentioned beneath the picture) and that it is the predecessor of the M-16 assault rifle. But was this model ever issued to the US Army or only made for the civilian market? Is it perhaps only a prototype and how did it end up in Europe?

I'm really curious about this rifle (way to expensive for me to buy though) and would appreciate any information:)

hmm...the link doesn't work as it's supposed to, you need to go to "Arme a feu" => "Occasions" => "Fusils"
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New member
Well the AR-10 WAS the predesessor to the M16 but the US did not buy the original AR-10 design but later the AR-15 which was dubbed the M16. The AR-10 was made in small quantities and some other thrid world countries bought it and it was used I think mostly in Africa by militants and warlords. It was a player in some guerilla wars. As for rare, I don't think it's that rare. An interesting and uncommon find but about as rare as the German FG 42 for my estimate. But I am not an expert so I could be wrong on how "rare" it is.

Fiddler 5.56

New member
I owned an AR10 back in Britain in the '70s. Made in the Netherlands If I recall.
One of the worst decisions I made was to sell/trade it. Great shooting rifle, Loved the cocking method, (like an inverted trigger under the carry handle).
Rare ?, don't know, but haven't seen one for sale in the USA (haven't really looked though)


New member
I was already wondering what that "inverted trigger" under the handle was good for. I suppose it has the same (cocking) system as the FAMAS.

Fiddler 5.56

New member
As far as general positioning , I guess it does. Overall I found it easier to work with than the AR15 I aquired soon after the AR10. The AR15 (Colt) Sp1, was a disaster, in terms of accuracy and reliabilty. Got rid of it.

As I said, wish I still had that AR10.


New member
You can get a new AR-10. I think they're better than the earlier ones. Certainly more supportable.

I got an A2 first, then a B with that funny upside down trigger like charging handle. It was just too interesting to pass up.

It's more a collector's piece than anything else though. Its slot could let crud into the upper. I read that the thing was dropped because it got hot during firing. Never noticed it, but I use the bolt release to drop the bolt on the next mag. I only have to use it on the first round or to unload.

The AR-15 had problems in Viet Nam but they're superbly reliable now. Try again.


New member
The AR-15 had problems in Viet Nam but they're superbly reliable now.

Uncle Sam has never issued me an AR-15. The M16A2, M16A4, and M4's that I have been issued were not "superbly reliable", in fact MOST soldiers have experienced stoppages with their issue weapon.
