Arizona gun laws

1911A1 fan

New member
Moving to Tucson in oct. and would like to know something about the gun laws I know the state has a CCW but how about in the open? Any web sites on the subject? 1911A1 fan


Woah what a coincidence! I am moving to Tucson in October as well. Maybe we can go shooting some time? ;) From what I have checked into, you need a permit for concealed but open carry is fine. If you carry open, it must me in a holster! Things are a little sketchy on how you can carry in the car. I am going to get my permit ASAP just to be safe.


New member
Open carry is fine, though not really

common anymore in the Greater Phoenix and Tucson areas. In some of the smaller towns, folks don't even blink at you. In tourist traps like Sedona, though, many eyebrows get raised.:rolleyes: Of course, the usual places are off-limits, police facilities, courthouses, ANY place serving alcohol for consumption therein, and where otherwise posted.


New member
I have seen a few people walking around with weapons visible here in Tucson. The 1st week I was here I went to Walmart and a guy walked in with a 45 on the side. You should of seen the eyebrows raise. He went to the sporting goods section and after making a purchase he was escorted to the door. I imagine he bought some ammo. CCW permit are pretty easy to get and there are classes being held all the time. There is another thread on this site about Arizona CCW. Most people go out to the desert and shoot. There is also a new range opening up on the south east side of town thats open air. I frequent a place cald the Marksman indoor range and they have CCW classes all the time. Gun shows almost every month and plenty of places to shop for weapons. Tucson is a diverse town. A lot to do here.


New member as mentioned above is a good CCW source for any state.

A tremendous source of accurate, detailed infromation can be found in a book by Alan Korwin called "The Arizona Gun Owner's Guide".

He has guides for several specific states, mostly out here in the west, and they are the best references I have ever seen. You can also get updates based on changing legislation at his website where I think you can purchase the book, or at, or most any AZ bookstore.

I'm in Phoenix, and still see open carry from time to time in urban settings, and a little more often out on the trails. I carry openly on wilderness hikes, but usually stay concealed around town.


New member

Although open carry is legal throughout the state, (except for places that serve liquor for on site consumption, and the rest of the places controlled by Federal law), if you try to open carry in the Phoenix or Scottsdale area you will raise alot of eyebrows. Best not to do it. Bad for public relations. The permit is easy to get, once you pay for your classes...


New member
Some folks may raise their eyebrows when I carry openly, but they tend to be the same folks that want someone else to be responsible for their safety.


New member
Although open carry is legal throughout the state, (except for places that serve liquor for on site consumption, and the rest of the places controlled by Federal law), if you try to open carry in the Phoenix or Scottsdale area you will raise alot of eyebrows. Best not to do it. Bad for public relations. The permit is easy to get, once you pay for your classes...

I didn't have any problems with open carry in Scottsdale. I wasn't wearing camo and jack boots though :).

Silver Bullet

New member
1911A1 fan and PreserveFreedom:

Welcome to Arizona! You're gonna love it here!

It might be a shock at first because of the difference in scenery, but you soon acquire a taste for it, you get used to all that sunshine, and nights without being bitten by bugs!


New member
I just got back from a week-long vacation in AZ.My wife and I drove around all of AZ and visited many of it's unique attractions.I lived out there 12 years ago and would like to move back.My wife's from Louisiana but she wasn't too crazy of the high temps we had while out there.I think with a little convincing I can get her to move out in a year or so when she is finished with her 1st 2 years of college.Living expenses out here are almost twice that of AZ and I'm a blue-collared worker.Saw an ad while out there for border patrol officers and might inquire within but I wasn't sure if they get bad pay or not.Anyone familiar with this job?I used to live in Phoenix but this time would prefer to live on the outskirts or further south.



New member

the border patrol (and other branches) are losing experienced officers to the newly formed Air Marshals - so jobs are available. Unfortunately, there is no border in Scottsdale or Phoenix or even Tucson; this means that postings are usually in smaller towns (villages?) quite a ways away from "civilization".


New member
Seligman? I had a worrisome motorcycle accident/incident there and also landed my glider at their airport (a very nice one!) but what does the border patrol want way up there in Canyon country? I would think places like Ajo and beyond are more in the line of Arizona Border patrol...



New member
Although open carry without permit is less comon these days it is still practiced. I prefer concealed but it is nice to know that when a gust of wind blows open your vest or jacket that your exposed weapon is not a law breaker or on the hot summer days (i've seen 112 already) that you can take off your vest if too hot at the expense of only a few raised eyebrows.

An unfortunate reality of our society is appearance and clean cut, tie and jacket wearing a weapon raises less attention than others.

I've entered supermarkets and banks wearing my weapon exposed without blinking an eye. These businesses are AZ based and if they didn't want me there they would post the business.

Mr. Korwin's book is excellent. It is in it's 19th edition with updates on his website.

Now the hard facts. Parts of Tucson are absolutely beautiful and safe while others are riddled with crime, graffitti and gang violence. The evening news can usually share occurences of car jackings and home invasions. Being as close as we are to the Mexican border, car theft is also very high and the auto insurance rates are high because of it. Many are enchanted by the warm temp, majestic mountains, lack of humidity and flying bugs (with the exception of the killer bees, spiders, tarantulas and scorpions) but Tucson for all it's plusses is not a place I would want to be unarmed.

Read Mr. Korwins book, get your CCW, and welcome to AZ.

Tucson is one of the few places i lived that people don't speak in whispers when discussing guns in public.


New member
Lived in Tucson for over 20years, carry open all the time, never had raised eyebrows or any other problems, not even in the Walmart on Speedway and Kolb.

Jim March

New member
Ya, but it's true though.

It ain't a racial thing, it's cultural. Part of the reason their culture is so warped when it comes to crime and violence is that they've been systematically disarmed by law for over 300 years now.

Mexico's murder rate is triple the US rate. Despite gun control best described as "Sarah Brady's wet dream".

Go read the US Dept. of State trravel advisories for Mexico. Note the tendency for cabbies to take rich tourists right to the people waiting to rob them, for a cut. When was the last time you heard of THAT happening in the US?


New member
Although open carry is legal throughout the state, (except for places that serve liquor for on site consumption, and the rest of the places controlled by Federal law), if you try to open carry in the Phoenix or Scottsdale area you will raise alot of eyebrows. Best not to do it. Bad for public relations. The permit is easy to get, once you pay for your classes...

Screw the snowbirds!!!!(they are the ones that usually raise the eyebrows ) I open carried in Phoenix and Scottsdale for years!! Any Cop that dosen't know it's legal is looking to get his department sued big time!!! :rolleyes: ;) The rest don't even matter. If they get squimish, let 'em go back to New Yark, or Mass. or where ever they come from!!! Besides, if it's snowbird season, why can't we shoot them???? :D
