Arisaka Accuracy??

Just curious if many others have these rifles and if so how do they shoot?? I have a type 38 and a sporterized type 99... Both shoot amazingly well... The 6.5 is a tack driver for a rifle with iron sights...


New member
Not long after I started reloading for, 30-30, 7mm mag, a good friend, who's father had left him a early version model 99 Arisaka, which had been sporterized back in the '50, and never fired, this was in '76. He had the bolt turned, bought a 4x Weaver scope and 60 pieces if Norma brass, and some weird 173 gr jacketed round nose bullets, I think. We worked up some loads for it took it to a huge clay pit there on the MS gulfcoast. We paced off a 100 yd range and zero'd his scope. That rifle with all of $75 invested in it shot 1" 5 shot groups consistently. The best I ever did with my mdl 700 Rem, 7 mag was 1'' and more ofter between 1 1/2' and 2 inches. I was very impressed and a little jealous. He took several whitetail with over the next couple of years and never had any problems with it, also the brass life was considerable longer than the brass life of my 7 mag. That may have been that Norma brass was superior to the mixed Rem, Win, and federal brass that I was using. It did not stretch brass nearly as fast as the 7mag, or 300 Win Mag I was reloading for his brother in law.


I have both the 7.7 and the 6.5 Japanese Arisaka. Both are outstandinly accurate.

Many years ago (when people were ignorant enough to think these rifles were junk because they were made in Japan) the great Gunsmith P.O. Ackley and the gunsmith Frank DeHass tried to blow up a 6.5 Arisaka. I cannot recall now which one of them did this particular experiment. But anyway one of them bored out the 6.5 gun to accept a 3006 shell but left the barrel in 6.5. He then tied the gun to a rubber tire and put a long string on the trigger to fire it while he hid behind a very large and very thick tree. When he pulled the trigger the gun and the tire jumped right off of the ground. Fire shot out of the back of the Arisaka. The stock was splintered into match sticks and the barrel was toast but the 3006 bullet was actually squeezed down to 6.5mm instantly and did go out the end of the barrel.

The action was magnafluxed and no damage was found so they rebuilt the gun into a sporter.

P.O. Ackley also deliberately tried blowing up the 6.5 by putting horrendous charges of pistol powder in the cases but it was the only and I reapeat the one and only military rifle he coulg not blow up. It proved beyond any doubt that the Ariska was by far the strongest military bolt action rifle ever built bar none.

The gas escape system is also legendary as it will protect the shooter if a cartridge case lets loose when firing it. Many modern guns are not that good.

Back when I was collecting Ariska’s it was not considered “shiek”. Some people thought that I may have even “went bamboo” so to speak. Now today you can pay easily up to $300 for a mint gun with all the accessories and the “mum” still intact. Oh for the good old days when I bought them for $20 bucks apiece.

I too have gotten 1 inch groups with the 6.5 and even my late war 7.7mm .


New member
mine doesn't shoot all that well but she will hold MOD (Minute Of Deer) the last time I took her out she printed 2" at 100 yards with Lyman No 57 peep sights (I hate peeps by the way). But mine is also bubbaed and rechambered to 6.5x57mm