ArfCom Blacklist


New member
I would just wonder how accurate the info is.

That said, I noticed Brass Pro shop was on the "good guy list" (or something like that).

I will never buy from Bass Pro shop as long as I live.

Went down to their Charlotte store to look at some archery stuff, and low and behold, they don't allow conceal carry on their premises.

No offense, but xxx (excues the french)? They can sell all their handguns and rifles they want to you, but won't allow you to CC in their store?

I turned around at the door before I got in, and havn't been there since.


New member
If you don't like the prices, vote with your feet and buy elsewhere.

I just do not see an issue with anyone, including gun sellers, selling at a market price.


New member
What's price gouging?

Is that when the seller charges more than the buyer thinks it's worth?

I read an article within the past 24 hours that said C-T-Dirt had its best one-day take this week. IIRC it was something like $101,000 or so.


Willie D

New member
I'd call it price gouging if certain retailers decide to arbitrarily add 40% premiums to items they aren't actually paying more for or trying to convince buyers of a non-existant shortage. Maybe you call it good marketing.

Point is, price hikes are NOT happening all across the board and the better we keep each other informed, the more money we all save.


New member
Law of supply and demand.

When demand goes up sharply but supply is limited, prices will rise.



New member
supply and demand is part of it, but not when dealing with ctd.

they tried to take people as fast as they could. just check their everchanging man. sug. list price. now it seems their prices are falling slightly even though demand is still up.

they got greedy and got called on it buy the consumers who voted with their wallets.

they're not the only ones who tried jacking prices, and hopefully the consumers won't forget who did and didn't jack them.

then the capitalist system will weed out the rip off artists.


New member
Here is something i noticed today while in wally-world,.45 blasser brass range ammo has actually gone down.It is now 12.89,same price as .40 cal ammo.better get some while you can.


New member
People Have Gone Nuts

There really is no reason for all the panic buying to be occuring. With all the other crap going on, dont expect any kind of push for gun or ammo bans for at least a year or two. When they do try, they still have to sucessfully get the bans passed, no small feat.

I can kind of understand buying a gun you think might get banned in the future, once bought the gun should last a lifetime, but really why the hell are people buying up thousands of rounds of .233 and 7.62. If a ammo ban comes down what the hell are you going to do with those rounds
a)Let em sit on your shelf an do nothing with them(complete waste of money)
b)Keep shooting and run out of rounds in a few years.

So to all those panic buyers out there, stop buying and paying over inflated prices, let those dealers charging outrageous prices choke on their stock.

So to all those panic buyers out there save yourselves some cash and donate some of what you would have spent to the NRA and maybe help stop any gun/ammo bans from occuring


New member
It's the media and television. They can get the public to do anything they want, all they have to do is to run the media 'gun buying spree is on' and it sends all the people to the gun shops. People think if everyone else is doing it I better get out there and do it myself. Media hype is over rated.


IT Was not the media who sent buyers to the shops. It was the election results and the anti-gun candidate who won.


New member
Turned the computor on day before yesterday. AOL news stories automaticaly comes up with stories of interest. One of the "top ten" stories listed was about gun sales soaring since election. Don`t ever remember seeing that topic making "top ten" before. Is it just the media or are people really arming themselves for the times they expect to come? Few friends of mine work in gun stores and say sales have increased. Guess there might be some merit to what the media is saying.


New member

That from Larry Correia of FBMG, a gun store in Utah. It was written before Saturday, which was their single biggest day of business there ever.

Cheaper Than Dirt just shattered all their previous sales records, too.

It's not just media hype. People are buying guns.

Now if everyone who is now rushing out to buy an EBR before January had simply spent one-tenth of that money supporting a good candidate early enough to be of some use ... (sigh)

My libertarian friends are wrong. There's no such thing as enlightened self interest. There's only self interest.



New member
No CCW at BassPro

This is the first I've heard of being unable to carry concealed at BassPro. I do it all the time. Haven't seen a sign not to. Haven't told them I have either. Geez, What's the world coming to????

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Bass pro here doesn't have a no CCW sign.

About price gouging - one of my friends who talks the big RKBA yak-yak - Schumer is coming to TX to take our guns - then justified price gouging at the American Way of the Free Market.

Another said to him that he (Mr. RKBA) would sell life jackets on the Titanic.

After spirited debate in the weight room (see the old guys lift), we decided that selling at MSRP was ethical but above that was traitorish to the RKBA.

Oh, well - we shall see.