Are you really happy with that nine...


New member
After being off the 45 for a bit, Now I am confused, again. Ruger has a really nice 1911 and I now see more articles favoring the 45 over the nine. I know it is one of the longest utilized combat cartridges ever but that 45 is tugging my soul again. Just how much diference is there?


How much difference is there?

About 50% in cost for practice ammo or components.

If money were no object, I'd shoot .45....... but it is, so I Carry a 9mm.


New member
I really like .45 and .357. That being said everything I have seen basically says modern ammo to modern ammo its a wash as long as you do your part. I mean they are all basically anemic handgun cartridges.

At the end of the day a .45 isn't gonna shrink but in the whole scheme of things what makes more sense more practice or a bigger caliber. Food for thought a lot of high speed low drag meat eaters use 9mm, they just practice a heck of a lot.

Me, I shoot for fun so I like them all.


New member
9mm again!

I don't own a 9mm. I have 1 .357 mag, two .40's and a 1911 .45 IMHO a 9mm is great for a pocket gun. Since I'm not recoil shy, I can shoot the larger caliber guns that I have fast and accurate enough to be satisfied with my performance.
I keep reading that with modern bullets and powders the 9mm is just as good as .40 and .45 How is it that the same advancements haven't benefited other calibers? Look at the famous picture showing wound channels and penetration, The wound channel on .357 Sig, .40 and .45 are bigger. Penetration are all similar. The thing is, a bigger hole, larger wound channel means more trauma. As has been said before, a 9mm might get bigger but a .45 ain't gonna get smaller.
I live in California where we have a maximum 10 round magazines. Why carry a smaller caliber?


New member
But how much practice do you NEED?

> to be proficient enough to drill someone who needs drilling?

I can afford to shoot as much 45 as I want. I reload, so I shoot a box of 45 for only a bit more than a box of 9mm. I'm usually happy with 50-100 rounds of 45, then round things out with a lesser caliber. (usually 22LR)


I can afford to shoot as much 45 as I want.

Good for you. Me, I have 5 kids and a gun collection to feed. I also handload, and I never have enough ammo...... not likely I ever will.


New member
yea i reload 45's as well. my dad doesn't want to reload 9's cause they are so cheap. if it is financial pick up a 9.
otherwise i don't understand your question of "just how much difference is there"


New member
I guess I must be the only person on the planet who feels just as well-armed with a good 9mm as with a .45. Neither the "small" size of the 9mm round nor the "low" capacity of a .45 1911 particularly concerns me.
9mm para is great
.40S&W is great
.45ACP is great
.45GAP is great
.45LongColt is great
.38special is great
.38super is great
.357 is great
.357SIG is great
.44special is great
.44mag is great
.50AE is great

Catch my drift?


No I'm not really happy with my 9

You see the problem is, I have an H&K P7M8 and now that H&K no longer makes them and the prices are going through the ceiling, I feel like I shouldn't shoot my H&K any longer. I feel like I should construct a shrine and place my H&K P7M8 in prominently on display at the shrine.

So I am contemplating two courses of action.

1) Get a second P7 - like the used German Politze models for $650 or so. And since a pistol like that will already have seen a lot of use, I will just use that and fire the heck out of it at the range and everything and not feel bad about it and keep my revered and beloved H&K P7M8 safe at home, under glass, at it's shrine.

2) Seriously thinking about building a FrankenGlock from assorted Glockenspiel parts.


New member
I carry a 9mm and have all the confidence in the world if I do my part in a tight situation and put my 8 rounds where they need to go they will do the job. Plus the round makes for a more concealable gun that I carry with normal everyday shirts, not a hawian ugly shirt. That's why I like the 9mm. I sure as heck don't want to be shot with either.


New member
Is there a rule somewhere, in a parrallel universe maybe, that a fella has to have only one gun in one caliber? This must be the source of so many of these threads.



New member
I dumped the 9mm I had,I hardly ever shot it,I shoot and carry 10mm auto,40 s&w,45acp and 38 super,no problem affording to reload and shoot,I shoot approximately 1000 rounds per month.

I always felt like I was shooting a 22 when I shot my 9mm,hence why I sold it,I haven't looked back.

cougar gt-e

New member
A modern JHP (in 9mm and higher power calibers) will work to stop nearly any attacker in one or two hits between the breast pockets. Honestly, it's about the shooter's ability to hit the target far more than it is about the bullet. Pick the gun and caliber you can shoot accurately, then practice to hone your skills.


New member
Put it this way: I'm comfortable carrying a .380. As such I'm more than happy with my 9mm's as well (though I don't really carry them). I'm INTERESTED in a .45 too (had one once upon a time - don't at the moment but the Ruger SR1911 will likely be my next). I will likely not carry that either.

Just IMHO, I think a bit too much fuss is made over the caliber wars. If you want to carry .45 do so - it certainly will stop an attacker. So will a .40S&W, 9mm, or .380. Heck I likely wouldn't even mind carrying a .32ACP (though I'll draw a firm line there for myself).

In the end, just buy and carry whatever you're comfortable with. You'll always find someone of the opinion that a .22LR is fine for carry and others the claim that you're just asking to die if you carry any less than a .500 S&W.


New member
Like most here I have multiple calibers. Nothing wrong with 9mm and as has been said it's the cheapest centerfire to practice with. As far as carrying, there are excellent loads for both 9mm and 45ACP so each of us has to make that decision. Of course one advantage of the 9mm is how many rounds you can carry and/or the size of the handgun.

Or you can do what lots of LEOs do and split the difference with the 40 S&W (for example the Glock 22 can hold 16 rounds of .40 caliber).


New member
As has been said before, if you shoot someone do you really think they are going to say , "Hmmp it's ok, it was just a 9mm" :p . I prefer .40 to 9mm and .45, but I'd take any of them.

Spats McGee

There's is a section in Guns & Ammo called "Cooperisms" or some such. In the one last month, the section dealt with someone asking him to compare two different calibers, neither of which was .45 or 9mm. I'm not sure that I'll get the wording exactly right, but it was something to the effect of, "Such a comparison is useless. Either round, properly placed, is sufficient. Either round, improperly placed, is insufficient."

That said, I prefer .45 to 9mm. I wouldn't hesitate to carry a 9mm, either, though. I just wish I could practice with a .45 as inexpensively as I could a 9.