Are you more accurate with your revolver?


New member
For instance, under a timed qualification course. Or, mowing down a row of soda cans in DA. Or, just plain target shooting at a bullseye.

Do you feel that the longer, rolling DA pull allows you to have better 'timing' than the SA of most autos?


New member
At 100 yds I'd prefer a .357 with 6" barrel. Timed I'd prefer a 1911 because of the better trigger and faster reloads. 1911 also shoots well at 100 yds but you need to offset aim above and I just prefer the better trajectory of th .357.


New member
With examples of each that I shoot well, I'm usually just a tad more accurate with the revolver, but a tad faster with the auto.


New member
I can't shoot semis to save my life. There's something about the movement of the slide that distracts me. I did get good results with a friend's CZ75, but that's the only one that I've shot well. Otherwise, it's revolvers for me.



My eyes are old now; but I never qualified as high with an auto as I did with a revolver.
For all the shooting I do with pistols, I'm still better with a revolver. It may be that the revolver has a slightly longer sight radius than a pistol.


New member
It may be because I "cut my teeth" on S&W revolvers, or due to the fact that I fire revolvers(in DA mode, no less) much more often than I fire autopistols, but, yeah, I'm more accurate with the revos too!!! When I was shooting "Tactical" matches(pre-IDPA) six or seven years ago, the match director would frequently let you shoot the course a second time-provided it was with another "Class" of handgun-and I found I scored consistently higher with the revos...I'd usually be a TAD faster with the auto, but wouldn't score as high...since they divided your "raw score" by your elapsed time to come up with your "hit factor", which WAS your final score, I ALWAYS did better with the revolver!!!....mikey357
I'm more accurate with semi-auto pistols. I just can't shoot in DA mode (in revolvers) as well as I can with a pistol in SA mode (I pull the hammer back for the first shot when I use DA/SA pistols).


New member
Revolver :D

Just today I have decided that Im a Wheelgun kind of guy. So my newly aquired Glock 36 will be traded in for S&W Model 60.

I shoot more accurate and can better controll a revolver. Also a lot more simplistic to me than simi-autos.

Just my opinion.


New member
revolver, at least with my python. i can consistently make headshots from the 50yd line (not that i would, just as during practice) timed fired (24 shots in 2 mins.) and never could with my sigs 220/226... it might just be a confidence thing.


New member
The longer the barrel, the more accurate I am with the weapon. For me at least, sight radius, not action, is the most important factor.

Blue Heeler

For me the revolvers win hands down.For a start the sights don't move,secondly the barrel doesn't move,even slightly,and there is no feeding difficulty.
The revolver round just goes off--it doesn't have to rack the slide as well--In all my experience a well tuned revolver is the best there is--even race gun auto's findit hard to compete.
And,for the clincher--did you ever see John Wayne use an auto?

Doug 29

New member
I did! But after shooting the auto until I got used to the slide action, I now shoot the auto better. Of course, I load for the most accurate ammo for each gun. None of them, revolver's or auto's, shoot all ammo with equal accuracy. For me, the auto's are best for CCW.


New member
It's good to see that I am not alone. Besides my various autos, I've owned nothing but a J-frame for the past several years. I even went deep into the DAO autos discovering(once again) that such a trigger requires you to pace things, and the surprise break helps with accuracy. The trouble is, no auto will ever equal a slick Smith revolver action, and few even approach that of a Ruger.

I've now got a 3" M66, and a 2" M12. I am on the look-out for a nice used 686+ Mountain Gun. I may eventually settle for another 4" M66. Honestly, I can't see myself being undergunned with one. I can fire them at speeds second only to a condition one auto, and I don't think any gun 'points' quite as naturally in my hand as a properly stocked J or K frame.

Anyone disagree?


New member
Yes. Hands down the D/A revolver fired D/A is my top choice for accuracy.
The comment about the CZ is interesting since my first impression of the long S/A pull of the CZ75b, was how close it feels to the D/A pull of a S&W K-Frame revolver.


New member
I really need to learn to read the question

If we're talking about revolvers in Double Action vs pistols in Single Action, accuracy goes to the auto every time. I missed the DA when discussing revolvers. With revolvers I always go hammer back before I squeeze if I want a group.