Are you less proactive when carrying ??


New member
Off the bat - carrying a weapon is in itself proactive - i get that. What about the other stuff besides carrying a weapon.

do you go places or do things that you would normally not do if you weren't armed? If so why?

I have always followed the philosophy that the best way to stay safe is to stay out of trouble in the first place (duh) It stems from the protective service truism that if you find yourself in a jam - you probably screwed up somewhere along the line. (the primary mission is to avoid trouble not react to trouble)

could your being armed be a catalyst for getting into trouble?

I know i may be asking in a clumsy way - but I"m curious because I probably fall into that boat and I know for sure one of my friends do. (he used to ride the public transport in Guatemala city at night just hoping for a confrontation)

thoughts? comments?


New member
I agree with your philosophy and for me when I am carrying I seem to be even more aware of using that philosophy.

Want to stay out of trouble? Stay AWAY from where trouble IS.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
John Farnam says: Don't go to stupid places with stupid people.

That covers being armed or not. He also says if you are home by 10:00 PM, you miss most of the lunatics. Certainly true for drunks on the road.

If you carry and want a confrontation - then Diane, Chuck, the Brady Bunch, etc. are correct. What an idiot.

Luckily we find the licensed population, so far, as a lesser crime rate than the general population.


New member
Although time has done a lot to both mellow me out and make me wiser I also think carrying a gun results in me avoiding potentially dicey situations. The last thing I want is to be in a situation that escalates to the point I feel the use of my gun is warranted.

I personally believe most people who carry guns are more responsible than the average person and less likely to pursue confrontation over trivial matters.


New member
I like to think my parents raised me with some common sense. Eat my veggies, drink my milk, don't play in the street, don't talk to strangers, buckle my seatbelt, etc.

I wouldn't go anywhere that could put me in a higher risk for encountering issues before I started carrying and I haven't changed my M.O. since.

As Forrest Gump said: "Stupid is as stupid does."

Onward Allusion

New member
I avoid stupid places period. As for attitude and behavior, quite the opposite. I'm more polite when carrying 'cause shooting someone legally is an absolute pain in the rear. ;)

the jigger

New member
Carry Behavior?

I don't do anything differently when I carry because concealed carry is part of my daily routine. If I leave the house I am armed. I am very much aware of the legal restrictions in my state and follow them religiously.


New member
do you go places or do things that you would normally not do if you weren't armed?

No. I'm not Batman, so, I don't do anything differently than if I wasn't armed. As I get older I try to avoid a lot of places I used to go when I was younger.

Ted D

New member
I'm more aware of my surroundings when I carry which is 98% of the time.And avoid all places that I don't need to be in the first place.


New member
I don't change my patterns or habits simply because I am carrying a gun. I don't carry a gun to look for trouble, I carry it to avoid trouble.

I would suggest that most people here carry for the same reason.


New member
A license to carry is not a license to kill. I act no differently when carrying or not. I do my level best to stay out of trouble and that method has served me well for 50 years.


New member
when I carry I go to the usual places I need to go, shopping, bank, drug store, walmart etc.. I do not go to the bad section of town ever. I don't go looking for trouble and will in fact avoid any altercation if at all possible. Retreat would be my first choice. I carry very concealed and do not want anyone to know I am carrying, I do not want to be a target of some because they know I have a gun and they think they can somehow steal it or rob me of it. The only person that needs to know I am carrying is me.


New member
The other side of the same coin

Our neighborhood has changed drastically within the last 30 or so years.

This is where the kids played. We marked their growth by marks on the wall. When we poured cement, there were images of five footprints visible when the cement became concrete.

I'll be double dipped before I run off and abandon those memorys to this new influx of values.

If we refuse to go anywhere where there is a lawful right to be, then its time to throw in the towel, throw open the doors, and invite the cartels to be your baby-sitter.



New member
I find myself being a bit more aware of my surroundings while I carry (not that I dont pay attention when im not) but I guess that I feel while carrying, Its a responsibility that I have to make sure I dont put myself into a situation where I need to use my gun...

I guess what I'm saying is that I dont go looking for trouble...:D
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New member
Lots of neighborhoods are changing, mine included, though not as much as the one I moved from five years ago to go into a seniors' apartment complex. And with the exception of banks, the post office, schools, etc., I can legally carry concealed or openly most anywhere in a large metro area. I don't think open carry is very smart in the city for various carefully-considered reasons, but I've carried concealed daily since soon after it became legal in Kentucky about sixteen years ago.

I still think it's just plain damn common sense for me to spend as little time as possible where and when the incidence of trouble is very high. Noplace is totally safe anymore, but why should I go into areas known to be plagued with gang warfare and robberies, if I can find what I need elsewhere? Because I can? Not a good enough reason.

I've never had to draw my EDC in self defense, and the longer I can keep it that way the better I'll like it.


New member
I stay away from trouble areas and trouble people. I carry in case trouble tracks me down and backs me into a corner.