Are you an Armchair Activist ?

Ok so you spout off here about gun rights and tell all you friends and colleagues about your rights. That's all very good and helpful but when was the last time you actually did any of the following -

- went to a gun rally
- actually talked to a politician
- helped at or organise or run a pro - gun event
- helped on the ground in election

Because if you didn't YOU are the reason the anti gun side is winning, because they are out there and orgainsed and you sit back and whine.

Use all the excuses about work and family you like but I am heavily involved in pro gun groups and many of those involved could use business and/or family as an excuse to do nothing.

I have had old guys with bad health problems still volunteer at elections even though they had to sit down most of the time because they were unwell.

As far as I am concerned the Enemy is within.

I've done all of the above actually, just about every week of the year. I just spoke to our local politician to get him to a meeting of our hunting club. The best defence is attack.


New member
Good point. I was an armchair inactivist, relying solely on the NRA to do it for me. As I became more aware of the threats to our rights, I contacted Ron Pauls 2000 campaign, and volunteered. Sometime towards the end of the election cycle, I'll be beating the streets making converts, and winning votes for him. Since my districts representative is a lukewarm (whatever can get him elected) gun rights person, I told him that I would gladly volunteer in his campaign if he'd just put the gun issue on the front burner like Ron Paul. While I volunteer, I also write as many reps as I can. At least once a week, and this probably has the most effect. At once a week, it only costs about 17 bucks to write once a week, and this actually gets results. I suggest everyone start to write, call and email. Most importantly write!!!!


New member
Oh Mr. Assassin, you are our hero.

Why do you reprove us so when you do not know the particulars of our individual situations?

What exactly would make you happy? What is the threshhold? Is it 50% of gunowners participating in the listed activities? 75%? 93.5%? What is the magic number?

Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited March 28, 2000).]

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Ben there.
Done that.
Helped print the T-shirts.

How do you know that some of these member your ripping on - are not infact already politicians fighting for us in the legal red-tape trenches?

I dont think your rippin on anyone per se - but ya git ma drift...

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited March 29, 2000).]