Are you a temporary or permanent cavity type of guy ?


New member
I'm a pulverize my teeth by grinding them while I sleep kind of guy.:barf:

Only gold caps for me from now in.

Just great.:rolleyes:
Tissue is flexible so permanent is more important by far. Temporary does have it's benefits but it clearly takes a backseat to permanent when it comes to immediate incapacitation. :)

vox rationis

New member
with handgun rounds, and at handgun velocities, I think that the overwhelmingly significant wounding factor is definitely the permanent wound cavity applied into vital tissues/organs


New member
Son Of Vlad Tepes typed with handgun rounds, and at handgun velocities, I think that the overwhelmingly significant wounding factor is definitely the permanent wound cavity applied into vital tissues/organs

And there you are.


New member
Permanent. Handguns just don't have the power for a temporary cavity to deal severe damage. The vital body mass is elastic enough to stretch and not tear under the 'loads' that temporary cavaties (out of handguns) impose.


New member
Depends on the weapon, and it depends on the tissue. In general, given that we are talking about handguns, and given that we are taking the tissue types typical of a human's COM, I'm a permanent cavity guy. That said, I recognize that some tissue types (liver, some nerve, brain) are susceptible to temporary cavity effects.


I don't think it's wise to rely on temporary cavity effects when using a handgun in the service pistol class.

I also acknowledge that those effects do exist and sometimes contribute positively to the outcome.


I don't think it's wise to rely on temporary cavity effects when using a handgun in the service pistol class.

I also acknowledge that those effects do exist and sometimes contribute positively to the outcome.

I'm inclined to agree with John, as usual.