Are you a Redneck?

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Are you a Redneck?

I am what most people would call a redneck. I drive an old 1980s model full size pick-up with a gun rack, usually with my shotgun and 30-30. I hunt and fish, not much interest in team sports, too citified. I have a couch out on my deck; shoot (legally) off my porch or deck. I chew tobacco and drink beer, eat sausages and boiled eggs in the tavern. Dance the two-step, only dance I can do other than the waltz. I eat meat and taters almost every night, deer all winter and pork all fall. I have a bumper sticker that says “God Guts and Guns” I have a beer belly and wear jeans and cowboy boots.

I have been huntin trappin and fishin for better than 50 years, I live in the Ozarks and most people from the city would say I am a hillbilly.

My wife is a "extreme conservative” “arch conservative” paleoconservaitve” any of those names, but I am just an old-fashion redneck who does not like hippies.

Are you a redneck, cracker, hillbilly, or an urbanite, yuppie, hippie and are you a gun owner of just someone that likes to talk to gun owners?

A redneck is the first to take a stand against gun grabbing liberals, ask Charley Daniels


My neck is pretty brown so historically "rednecks" don't like my kind. :D But I drive a Z71, grew up in the south (both in cities and out in the country) and despite living in Illinois for four years I use y'all every single day in conversation. I even greet people with "howdy". Never fished or hunt but simply because I never had the opportunity to do so; always something else going on.

I have zero problem with hippies and am often considered one, especially when I hit up San Francisco. :cool: I don't think this thread will stay open for a while but I wish it would because it could be fun!


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I am a Redneck . I have no problem with " Brownnecks , Blacknecks , Yellownecks, Hairynecks, ect.. " Its the Man and what he does, not his color or dress that i pay attention to , tho i do admit to once haveing a bumpersticker on the old bronco that said " DIE YUPPY SCUM " LOL .


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I am a materialistic, spoiled, pampered, well-groomed and culturally-refined young Republican suburbanite yuppie who was raised by tree-hugging hippie liberal bookworm intellectuals. (Ever see The Big Chill? THAT'S them!)

My fiance is a Birkenstock-wearing tye-dye-T-shirt-clad eco-scientist who was raised by a gun-toting, cammo-wearing, right-wing, chest-thumping red-meat Republican stock-piling weapons and MRE's in his sand-bag-fortified basement screaming about "Commies" and gaining FAR too much pleasure from his latest copy of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

Two thoughts come to mind:
1.) Funny how we always hurt the ones we love...
2.) They say you tend to seek out a mate that reminds you of your parents...

Does that help?
hillbilly deluxe

I definitely consider myself to be a hillbilly. I enjoy the outdoors, four-wheeling my Jeep, camping, hiking, and whitewater rafting. I also very much enjoy shooting guns, buying guns, reading about guns, and admiring my guns.:D If I had a pick-up, I'd be delighted to put a gun rack on it, a shotgun in it, and some NRA stickers.:D That's an image I would not mind portraying. I do have NRA stickers on my Jeep though.:D

I hate the city, can't stand the "yuppie" people, the traffic, and the noise. I like it up here in the Colorado Rockies. I will admit my favorite store in the city is Sportsmans Warehouse.:D

By the way, my anthem is by Hank Williams Jr...." A country boy can survive". I gotta shotgun, a rifle, and a four wheel drive, a country boy can survive.:D


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My wife refers to my Sons of Confederate Veterans license plates as my 'redneck tags'. So, I suspect that I am!

Being from WV I am definately a bit of a hillbilly. I would never call myself a redneck because of the common negative conotations of ignorance and racism. Us hillbillies are just dumb, not racist. I must say that I also hate hippies though. :)

The worst are the old hippies and the young white ones that think they are rastis. I think that once a year it should be legal to club and skin these types for their grey ponytailed and dreadlocked pelts. At least they would be getting hair cuts once a year to avoid being hunted. :p


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"I have made the ultimate scarecrow! The original design was to eliminate the bugger crows but why stop there? there are moles, coyotes, foxes, opossums.... hippies........." :D

My friends call me a redneck. So i guess it's true. :cool:


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I'd lable myself a hick. I live on a gravel road out in the middle of nowhere (which is paradise to me) hunt, fish, and shoot my guns every chance I get. The thought of going to a city makes me cringed. I love being called a hick. I take pride in it. I think a true redneck was meant to describe a farmer that drives a tractor around all day. Those are true rednecks. Red neck, red arms, and beaming white torso LOL. And "drugs are bad, because if you do drugs, you're a hippie, and hippies suck" LOL. A quote from Eric Cartman. Don't even get me started on townies LOL.


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Traditional deffinition of Redneck is someone who lives in the south, who also happens to be of scotts-irish decent, regardless of how you act, etc. The word redneck has been used to describe people like this for around 300 years.


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My friends and family call me a redneck because I hunt, am pro gun rights, enjoy the outdoors, grew up in the country ,can fix a broken car ,Dont need fancy clothes and crap like that, and what ever else. I am from the northwest though so I think of myself more of a hillbilly. :D


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I think that once a year it should be legal to club and skin these types for their grey ponytailed and dreadlocked pelts.

I know where you are coming from, your being funny. Let’s not close down the thread over getting someone upset. This is all in jest!
Heck, I know I am a redneck and a hillbilly! Hippie gun owners who wish to protect our second amendment rights are fine with me today. I’m just an old timer now, not out to harm anyone.
About the redneck and its connotations, I read a nice definition of a redneck a few weeks back on a rather liberal online encyclopedia, it said a redneck is someone who rejects the modern urban status quo, while a hillbilly remains outside of it. That is a fair assessment. You can find it by typing in redneck on Google. I think younger fellas, under 50, might see redneck as having a negative meaning, but for me it is just as I described.
Glad we have some rednecks here!


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Hmmm....let me think.

Yeah, not so much. Spent time as a kid out in the hills of central Pennsylvania, which ain't exactly city. Spent some more in Phoenix, which while most definitely "city" has more country stations than rap stations (or did). Yet still I resisted all things redneck.

Spending time in the Army it was hard not to pick up a serious case of the "ya'll." The longer I live up here in Montana the less city and more country I get, but I doubt I'll ever go too far that direction. Never hunted (but don't mind if anybody else does), and don't fish often. I prefer golf. I do drive a pickup (newer one, small one, but American one) and own multiple guns. I find more than a week spent in the city now gives me a raging headache.

I think I'm too country for the city and too city for the country...and I can't stand the suburbs.


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A word I hadn't heard until a few years ago from a caucasion hippity-hopper describing himself: 'wigger'. And he was proud of it. But hey, I didn't mind being called hippie in my day cause I thought oldtmers were ignorant, just like that kid was thinking.

Dave R

New member
Am I a redneck? I dunno.

I listen to country music.

But I don't drink beer (Don't drink any alcohol.)

I like to hunt and fish.

But I drive a Subaru, not a pickup.

I reload my own ammo.

But I work as Financial Advisor.

I'm a Texan, but I live in Idaho.

Maybe I just defy description.
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