Are we winning the battle for our rights?


New member
With the recent increase in gun sales and permit applications, is the tide turning? Are we ahead in the fight for our 2nd Amendment rights? I've heard the murder rate nation wide has dropped since 9/11. Is this true and where can I find a reliable source for this information?


New member
My view is tainted by my location, but I'd have to take exception with your statement that the murder rate is down following 9/11:

Washington DC is one of the only places I'd feel A LOT more comfortable packing but it ain't gonna happen (for me at least).

There are many websites. The links section of TFL has some good ones. I'm more comfortable keeping my ear to the ground and watching things in my own backyard, listening to folks and reading the local rags.

Welcome! I'm new here too.


New member
Thanks for the welcome. You too. I usually hang out on the discussion board.

I was sure about the murder rate going down either. I read it on another pro-gun site.
I was just wondering if over all we're gaining ground in the fight for the 2nd Amendment. It seems like we are. Especially when you look at how many states became "Shall Issue" in the last dozen years. From about 9 to 33.


Moderator Emeritus
Welcome to The Firing Line fivepaknh! :)

It seems like there is a balance to our advances and setbacks. Emerson was a good case in point. While the opinion of the court supported an individual right to KABA, the decision went against Mr. Emerson.

For every Ron Paul in Washington, there are a ten Chuck Schumers.

There have been no successful lawsuits against gun manufacturers, but many states have outlawed guns shows or require FOIDs (Firearm Owner IDentification cards).

State Right to Carry and firearm laws are either very liberal or very restrictive.

Vermont - New York
Texas - Illinois
Georgia - California
Tennessee - Massachusetts
Arizona - New Jersey

Murder rate - going down
Citizens CCW - going up
Violent crime rate - going down
Firearms ownership - going up

The bottom line is that the fight for our right is *never* over. As long as we have any rights there will be people in the government and elsewhere who will be trying to take them away from us... for our own good.
Of all tyrannies a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

-- C.S. Lewis - The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment, Res Judicatae (June 1953)