Are we all a bunch of white guys with guns?


New member
I'm sure we are definitely the majority. In my area, and in my experience, I see very little diversity when it comes to shooting and training with firearms. If you're not a white dude, and in fact a person of color, or a woman, let's hear about it.

Navy joe

New member
Well even if you're a plain old white boy like me, willingly intro. people to firearms regardless of gender or ethnic background. Address their concerns about the anglo atmosphere, I think you will find that 99% of all shooters will welcome any and all SAFE newcomers to the firing line. Freedom in any form is not an exclusive club, and I hope it never is.

Payette Jack

New member
I think it depends on what part of the country you live in.

Here in Idaho, shooters tend to be white. When I lived in San Diego people at the shooting range were sometimes as much as 1/2 Filipino (Sorry to make a sweeping generalization here, but Filipinos as a group love guns and weapons). I've also seen a lot of Vietnamese shooters in So. Cal.


New member
Sorry to reinforce a generalization, but I'm Filipino and just about every filipino family I know has at least one or two firearms in their homes.


New member
A/S/L ?


Best I can tell, it seems to me that the division is more urban vs. rural than anything else, not gender or race. Certainly, minorities and women benefit more from carrying firearms.


New member
Well, I'm Chinese-American doing my grad studies here in Northeast Ohio, it's pretty rare to see non-white shooters around here in either at the club I belong to or at some of the shoots that I've gone to. But nobody seems to notice what ethnicity you are - only what toys you have with you at the time :) ... However, I think what's disturbing is the lack of young people at the range. I've introduced some of my friends to shooting and they've all enjoyed it, but none have gone out and gotten guns of their own yet.



New member
Nay on all counts

Young, urban, asian female.
I did get hooked on it by a stereotypical white guy though. :)


New member
Here in South Carolina, I'm just about the youngest guy I've seen at the shooting range (I'm 23.) Most everyone is older than I am, and male; there's a wide mix of ethnicity, though, and I can think of several local gun shops & ranges run by African-Americans. I have seen a few women and younger children involved in hunting, though, so there is that.


New member

I get most all of the tech calls here at CORBON and many are from Black Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and women. I've had a few of my personal stupid prejudices get their come uppance over this and I'm better for it. The biggest surprise to me was the number of women who are into or want to get into shooting. GOD BLESS 'EM ALL!! Mark my words: American women will be the salvation of the shooting sports in this country. All you gunners out there who ignore the women who want to shoot are making a big mistake. TAKE HEED GUN SHOP OWNERS!


New member
The gun shops around here are very integrated, as are the ranges, in terms of race and sex. If you get outside the city, though, it's a different matter. All those liberals who fled the city for better schools for their kids like integration, just not around them.



New member
Chinese here. The club I belong to is 95% white but like a previous post, no one cares. They just wanna know what u are shooting.

On the age thing, we run a pretty good Juniors program and I have seen plenty of fathers bring their kids (boys and girls) to shoot.

Future of America.


New member
"Sorry to make a sweeping generalization here, but Filipinos as a group love guns and weapons"

You got that straight.

American (naturalized) of Asian descent (Filipino).

Engineer, what club do you belong to in NE OH? (I'm up there every other weekend.)

Apple a Day

New member
sounding off

Well, I'm half white and half hispanic...Cuban to be precise. We Cubans are notoriously fond of firearms. :D
I see a good leavening of african-americans at the local pistol range. The time before last a black guy and I got into a conversation and swapped shootin' irons back and forth. The last time I went was with a couple of white guys and an ethnic jew who is married to a naturalized Pakistani woman. Thank God (or in their case Allah-they are Muslim)their son got his mom, Sheeba's, complexion because Matt goes from blanch white to fire-engine red in the sun.
How's that for a melting pot?

Bam Bam

New member
While in Grad School I took Russian, Hong Kong, and Indian friends shooting. They all had fun. The indian bought a 870. The HK'er wants to retire to the US to enjoy driving, golf, and shooting. Gotta get some girls out there.

ps yes I am white and male.


New member

If I'm not lazy, I usually drive down to Akron to shoot, where I'm a member at the Zeppelin Rifle Club. Otherwise, I usually go to Stonewall in Broadview Heights if I don't feel like the drive or if I'm bringing a bunch of people.


Member In Memoriam
Heck some of my best friends here are African American, while I am white. Some are not into shooting in itself as a hobby but we hunt with each other all the time. Same goes with fishing. Years ago there was an all black hunting club just across the state line from ours (it was in Mississippi and we were on the Louisiana side) and they were a bunch of great guys, and had a hellofa nice range (out to 600 yards. we always shared that range and the work that went with it. No one really pays attention in the bunch that we are in (it's mixed) to color, but rather to the way one carries him/her self.


New member
Where is Akron is the Zeppelin Rifle Club? I usually shoot at the Deer Hunter or Pro Gun. Sometimes the Hunter's Lodge (used to be Russo's).
Fat, white, Methodist, and just SICK about it. :)

I was at the NRA Range with a friend today to shoot my first IDPA string, and I normally go to the range every couple of weeks just to shoot in general.

I can't remember the last time I saw an African American in the range, but I do regularly see Asians & women.

When I was working for NRA, I'd go to Camp Perry to cover the smallbore matches every year.

VERY few African or Asian American shooters, but quite a few women.


New member
Engineer, Falconer,

I also live in Akron. I, too, usually shoot at Deer Hunter, and have shot at Pro Gun once. I like talking to the guys in Pro Gun, they always go out of their way to answer questions and talk up the products.
I'm also currious about the Zeppelin Club.

Sounds like we'll have to have a Rubber City TFL day somewhere...

stay safe,