Are there any one armed gun owners in this forum.


New member
I still have my two arms and hands...though sometimes I practice reloading, firing, and fixing jams, with only one arm and hand; with my AR-15 and pistols.


New member
Good to you. But not bad for me too. When this happens you just gotta learn. Good thing that i lost my wrist when i was 8


New member
I've actually wondered about one-armed shooting. Surely there's a market for assistance products. People have disabilities anywhere from pain or broken bones to complete loss of an arm. Are there holsters to assist in racking, reloading, etc? There must be...
One of the guys who competes in the weekly, informal combat shoots at my local range has only one arm. His left arm ends about 6 or 8 inches below the shoulder. He shoots a 1911, and he is one of the top competitors.

The guy is amazing.