Are The Thunder Ranch/Clint Smith Training Videos Worth Buying?


New member
I've seen a little bit of Cint Smith in short video clips and he seems very knowledgable and, oddly enough, funny. I've thought about picking up a training video here and there and was curious to know if any of you have watched any Thunder Ranch Stuff and what you think of them.


New member
I have defensive handgun , shotgun , revolver & thinking. I think they may a little bit overpriced but they are still very informative. Clint talks pretty fast so sometimes you have to rewind to make sure of what you heard. I wish I could afford to attend one of his classes. I think handgun and shotgun are the best of the four I have. in his dvd he spends a lot of time on "thinking" and that is probably good. "thinking" is also included on the revolver dvd. the separate "thinking" dvd includes some things about defense in the home and car. Cabela's had "revolver" for $20 and they may have some of the others a little cheaper


New member
Haven't seen the videos but did attend Thunder Ranch for a week. Clint is THE man. VERY knowledgeable and unlike the VAST majority of "trainers" has the working background to back up his instruction. He's quite a gentleman as well.