Are the barrrels the same on AR's as on Bolt rifles?

arizona hunter

New member
Can you folks tell me if the barrels on AR type rifles (DPMS, Bushmaster etc.)are made any different than on a bolt gun? A friend told me when we were shooting p-dogs last year that he could keep shooting his Bushmaster without fear of ruining the barrel even though it (barrel) was very hot. While I would need to slow down my rate of fire with my bolt gun.

My rifle has a SS bull barrel and is a 204 Ruger. His was also a 204 Ruger also with a bull barrel. I don't know if his is SS since he has it painted in camo. He said the barrels if AR type rifles are lined with something that helps them withstand the heat from rapid fire.


New member
He's probably shooting with a chrome-lined barrel, and he's probably right

I suspect your friend is confused. He probably has a "chrome-moly' barrel and thinks it's chrome-lined :eek:. I'm not aware of any chrome-lined .204 Ruger barrels.

Were the barrel chrome-lined, yes, it will withstand the heat of rapid fire better; there will be less work-hardening of the steel and thus less microcracking and erosion. However, absent chrome lining, there is nothing that helps AR barrels "helps them withstand the heat from rapid fire" any differenlty than bolt gun barrels.

