
New member
just purchased a post-ban Bushmaster last week. NYS has just passed a sweeping new gun law. My reading of this bill as well as interpretations thereof, seems to say that, despite being legal for federal purposes, my new rifle is deemed to be an "assualt rifle" and is, as of now, illegal to own in NYS. Can this be so?? Does anyone have a definitive answer to my subject question??
Sincerely, Twoinchgroup52.


New member
Unless you live in the Black Hole (NY City) the gun is still legal.

The law supposedly mirrors the current Federal assault gun ban. if it is legal for the Feds it is legal in NY state (Except NYC)

The law is written so poorly that even RKBA lawyers are arguing about exactly what it says. Stay tuned, NY State has been known to apply some obtuse interpretations of state laws. I expect some lawsuits and a lot of senators loosing their jobs over this.

Geoff Ross

The weed of prejudice only flourishes in the soil of ignorance watered by the sweat of fear.

Bam Bam

New member
In my reading of the new law the reciever of your gun, and that it copies the AR-15, makes it illegal. Take it out of state or something like that. Be careful. There is not much doubt in my mind that the law will be successfully challenged, but while it is in effect we should obey it...even if it really really sucks.

Brett Bellmore

New member
Bam Bam: According to established legal doctrine, laws adopted in contravention of the Constitution are null and void from the moment of adoption. So, not just morally, but legally, violating a gun control "law" is NOT a criminal act! This is not to say that the legal system won't proceed as though it were, until the Supreme court get's off it's dead rear and starts upholding the Second amendment. But it does mean that you can continue to think of yourself as law abiding while disobeying these pretend laws.

Our foes violate the highest to the lowest laws of the land with casual contempt. In my opinion, we're fools if we obey these unconstitutional usurpations beyond the petty extent they're capable of physically forcing us to. Literally, they can prevail only to the extent we permit them to, because they lack the means to compell us if any substantial portion of us tell them where to stick it.

Heck, up north of here the CANADIANS are openly engaging in civil disobedience; Are we such cowards as to not follow them where we should have led?

Sic semper tyrannis!


No, No, it's illegal, send it here to NC, I have a spot in the gunsafe and promise to take good care of it for you! At this stage it is my humble opinion that we, as gunowners are probably already violating some law so what the heck. I just wish we didn't have to share the air with the anti rights crowds. Boom,Boom,Boom, another one bites the dust...


New member
I'll second Bam-Bam. Certain popular named-gun receivers, made after 9/14/94, are a violent felony to possess. See my analysis of this new law. It goes into effect November 1, so you still have time to legally buy lots of them. BTW: any gun not on the named-gun list remains legal if it was legally manufactured.


New member
ok, I give up. Moving from NY to texas in a month anyway.

"Out here, due process is a bullet"