Are police obliged to protect an individual?


New member
Is police obliged to protect an individual?

I saw some threads here about that subject (26 court decisions denied it?) but I cannot find the threads anymore. The only thread to the subject spoke about "a government and it's agents" are not obliged to do so. Does anyone know where I can find decisions regarding police?


New member
Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A2d 1 (DC Cir 1980?). It's the law in every American jurisdiction.


New member
Here you'll find 28 court cases (as precedence), showing
the Police have no obligation to protect any individual person from harm

Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure your own safety
It is a grave, immoral, and unethical act by any legislative body to
restrict a law abiding individual's ability to adequately protect themselves
and their loved ones.

Public Safety: Fact or Fiction? by Attorney John Brophy

U.S. Supreme Court rules Police cannot be given blanket authority to search
people and their cars without consent after ticketing them for routine
traffic violations (12/7/98)

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Hartzler v. City of San Jose, (1975) 46 Cal.App.3d 6, 120 Cal.Rptr. 5
Davidson v. City of Westminister, (1982) 32 Cal.3d 197, 185 Cal.Rptr. 252
Westbrooks v. State, (1985) 173 Cal.App.3d 1203, 219 Cal.Rtr. 674
Ne Casek v. City of Los Angeles, (1965) 233 Cal.App.2d 131, 43 Cal.Rptr. 294
Susman v. City of Los Angeles, et al (1969) 269 Cal.App.2d 803, 75 Cal.Rptr.
Antique Arts Corp. v. City of Torrence, (1974) 39 Cal.App.3d 588, 114
Cal.Rptr. 332
Bowers v. DeVito, (1982) 686 F.2d 616. (No federal constitutional
requirements that police provide protection.)
Calgorides v. Mobile, (1985) 475 So.2d 560.
Davidson v. Westminister, (1982) 32 Cal.3d 197, 185 Cal.Rep. 252.
Stone v. State, (1980) 106 Cal.App. 3d 924, 165 Cal.Rep. 339.
Morgan v. District of Columbia, (1983) 468 A.2d 1306.
Warren v. District of Columbia, (1983) 444 A.2d 1.
Sapp v. Tallahassee, (1977) 348 So.2d 363, cert. denied 354 So.2d 985.
Keane v. Chicago, (1968) 98 ILL.App.2d 460, 240 N.E.2d 321.
Jamison v. Chicago, (1977) 48 ILL.App.3d 567.
Simpson's Food Fair v. Evansville, 272 N.E.2d 871.
Silver v. Minneapolis, (1969) 170 N.W.2d 206.
Wuetrich v. Delia, (1978) 155 N.J.Super. 324, 382 A.2d 929.
Chapman v. Philadelphia, (1981) 290 Pa.Super. 281, 434 A.2d 753.
Morris v. Musser, (1984) 84 Pa.Cmwth. 170, 478 A.2d 937.
Weiner v. Metropolitan Authority, and Shernov v. New York Transit Authority,
(1982) 55 N.Y. 2d 175, 948 N.Y.S. 141.
DeShaney v. Winnebago County Social Services, 489 U.S. 189, 196, 197 (1989).