Are any modern rifles or rifle barrels available with gain twist rifling?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
A friend is researching for a new varminting rifle in 22-250 or .243 (open to suggestions, 6.5 Swede is an option). He's not on line, so I check for him. Curious if anyone makes variable twist barrels (similar to older Carcanos, 20mm Swiss rifles)...


New member
Hi Oleg,
There was a thread on this topic on awhile back. I believe there was some testing being done by a few (very few) folks. They're not too common (outside of artillery), but offer some unique advantages in that they stabilize a wide range of projectiles.


New member
Oleg, since your bud wants to do some varminting, I'll make a couple of suggestions, but I'll also need to know some stuff...

BTW, "gain twist" rifling reemerges occasionally, but generally isn't recognized as contributing a great deal to accuracy/barrel life, which are both going to be concerns with a varmint rifle.

How much does he want to spend? At the "low" end for a nice rifle, he'll shell out around $500 (tax, transfer, all that stuff) for a Savage 12BVSS-S in .22-250. I've got one. Shoots VERY nicely, but you've gotta handload to make the most of it. Add another $200 for handloading stuff.

Upper end will go a couple of grand, not counting scope. For someone down in your neck of the woods, I'd suggest he call Col. Billy Stevens (ret.), and inquire as to the rifle. I'd also suggest he look into either the 6BR (with 14-15" twist) or the 6/284 (8" twist) instead of the .243. If I were doing it, I'd get two barrels - one 6BR (<300 yards) and one 6/284 (<1,000 yards). The rifle would be a Viper action, the barrels would be Shilen, the trigger would be Arnold Jewell's, and the stock would be Kelly's EDGE, and would probably cost under $2,500 with both barrels. Billy does really nice fluting jobs too, and all work will be to benchrest standards - the 6BR will be capable of sub-0.25" groups, with the right driver.

Feel free to mail me, or mail me and I can give y'all a call in the evening.