Arcus 9mm?


New member
I am thinking of selling my Beretta 92fs Inox and getting one of these.

Any input?

I could use the extra money to throw in the bank account.

I really like the duo-tone model. I have a few questions-

Any firsthand issues?

Any source for good higher cap mags?

Where is the best place to find the duo tone model? How much are they going for? Are they hard to field strip?

Any other input or advice you have.

I know it may be a 'step down' but I have never owned an arcus. I've always liked them.


New member
Sorry you have to give up your Inox. Might be hard to replace at a good price.

No first hand experience with Arcus, but be careful and do your research. I read a Gun Tests review once where the safety snapped off and fell out of the gun mid-test. That may have been their Makarov, but speaks to bad metal or quality control.


New member
dont sell your beretta! I almost bought one of those and may still, but just got a px4 9mm.

the arcus is probably decent and i am going to get a sig p226 next, so the arcus is a clone of the sig right. They use in military over there, so should be decent but not as good as a sig. but for half the price, why not.

but dont sell that inox. walk to work and save up gas money or something.

Silent Titan

New member
bittorrent: i think its a clone of the browning high power, not a sig

i have read some good reviews of it so far but i am a firm believer of if it seems too good to be true ($350 for a quality BHP clone) it most likely is. that being said i would love to hear a range report on one after a few hundred rounds, might be a good fun cheap pistol.


New member
There's a few different models available, for example the Arcus 94 is pretty much a Hi-Power with more modern aesthetics, I don't have any experience with these.

I do however absolutely LOVE my Arcus 98DAC, which is still a lot like a Hi-Power but has a DA/SA trigger rather than SA. The 98DAC is the compact version (which by the way accepts Browning Hi-Power mags and comes from the factory with two 13-rounders). There's also a full-size version called the 98DA, which uses a different kind of mag (has a 15-rd capacity IIRC).

I am one of those people that gets tired of a gun very quickly, and have had very few guns over the years that I'd call a "keeper." But the 98DAC is one definitely a keeper. Can't say anything bad about something that works, and works well each and every time. It's a bit heavy, being all steel and such, but is built like it will last forever. It's not fancy or refined, but I think there's more beauty in a $300 pistol you can count on than a $1200 pistol that stovepipes a couple times per hundred rounds.

As far as your specific questions go:

Any firsthand issues?

No issues whatsoever, my 98DAC has shot reliably with any kind of ammo I've tried, from cheap Wolf steel-cased, as well as reloads, all the way up to high-end SD ammo. Never a problem.

Any source for good higher cap mags?

The 98DAC (and probably the 94's) uses the BHP mags, which aren't super common/cheap but aren't extremely rare/expensive either.

Where is the best place to find the duo tone model? How much are they going for?

Probably online, I've seen them anywhere from maybe $275 to $350.

Are they hard to field strip?

Not at all, it comes apart like any BHP, so it's simpler and easier than say a 1911, for example.

And just for fun, here's mine:



New member
Good comments raftman. Makes a world of difference to hear from someone with firsthand experience.

I've put about 50 rounds through a 98DC as well, and while I can't speak to it's longevity, I can speak to everything else.

While the Arcus will not win any beauty contests for fit and finish, it is a solid build for the $350 price median. It also comes with TWO mags while most pistols in this price range from other manufacturers have been shipping with only one.

The Browning HP inspired pistol, like it's predecessor, is ergonomic and points well. At first blush, the trigger doesn't excite, but performed fine on the range.

Point is, sometimes people really do need to stick to their budget and this is a pistol that will deliver. It's a great car to drive when you want to give the luxury vehicle a rest ;)


New member
Oh, my bad, I was looking at a tiny little post picture of it and though it was sig clone.
With above review does sound like a lot of pistol fir 3-350 range.