Architect of Waco debacle running Interpol!

simonov jr

New member

"Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble also said he thought al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was alive.
In an interview with the Paris daily newspaper Le Figaro, on Friday, U.S.-born Noble said: "Something worrying is going on."

Ron Noble, former head of ATF, has become "Sec. Gen. RONALD Noble"- is that like "names changed to protect the (cough) innocent? Well, with him protecting us, I feel safer already...:barf:
Guess we can expect to see a lot more government sponsored burnings. Nah. Just goes to show, these bureaucrats who lack both skill or expertise but who are politically savvy just climb higher and higher up the ladder.


New member
"Ve have ways of dealing vid people like you".

Re the former head of ATF, now at Interpol, that ditty just might make it to the top of The Hit Parade, who knows.

The chorus might run as follows: Yes, but who guards against the guardians.

I realize that the following might be terribly crass, but still I'm given to ponder as to how much this arrangement cost, whom?