AR15 Pistol Foregrip


New member
Anyone uses a detachable pistol foregrip on their AR15/M4gery?

Do they do anything besides just increasing the 'coolness' factor to the rifle?


New member
The vertical grips are good if you've got an automatic or if your other accessories (lights, lasers) interfere with getting a solid grip on the forend. Otherwise, you don't gain much but a monopod.


New member
For me, a vertical foregrip makes the rifle easier to control and carry. Maybe it's too many hours in front of a computer, but my wrist gets a distinct kink/ache in it if I hold a horizontal foregrip for too long. This doesn't happen with a vertical foregrip.


Staff Alumnus
Most of the soldiers in my company use them. They do help increase control at close range "reflexive fire" distance. I plan on mouting one on my M4 soon.


New member
Most of the soldiers in my company use them. They do help increase control at close range "reflexive fire" distance. I plan on mouting one on my M4 soon.

But isn't that just with full auto fire to keep the muzzle down? Couldn't it be done just as easily by the sling stabalized grip? Or is that not taught any more?

Thanks, Spectre. :)

Admitedly I thought about one for my (registered, licensed, legal, all you BATF lurkers) SMG but decided against it because I'm a civilian target shooter and not a special ops soldier. Sling-stabalized grip is fine for me.


Staff Alumnus
No, that's actually with semiauto controlled pairs. Quick sight picture, fire, reaquire, fire. We rarely use burstfire on the M4's. Having a vertical foregrip set close to the mag well lets you keep your elbows strongly tucked in and down for good control and strong stance. (Also easier to navigate in and around obstacles while keeping ready or low ready.)


New member
I did major ugliness to my right wrist on a dirt bike in 11th grade, and it didn't heal correctly. As a result, I can't comfortably turn my palm much more than 90', especially when my arm is extended like that. Since I'm a leftie, my right hand is always in the "vertical grip" position on any rifle I fire, even if there's no grip there. I just prop the forend in the web of my hand between my thumb and index finger.

All that to qualify the statement that... The vertical foregrip is the BEST accessory I ever put on a rifle, and I wish I could put 'em on every long gun I have.... In fact I may :)

BTW, those of us who aren't "operators" and can get by with less than THE best... You can get some pretty good quality foregrips that are made to fit AirSoft rifles for about HALF what a KAC grip costs, and maybe even $10 or so less than the Fobus grip. They look like the KAC too, so I like them... This one's only $16! :eek: