AR15 3 triggers review


New member
With so many going nuts over AR15 builds lately, i thought i would do a little trigger review of the 3 i have used so far.

I have one lower with DPMS LPK (standard trigger). It goes bang every time, works fine. It would be more than adequate for most 'working rifles' but does feel a little rough, with a heavy pull.

another lower has the same LPK, but with RRA 2stage NM trigger. This trigger is very nice, a nice improvement in feel, but you will only likely see the diff. on the bench, or if you are really pulling the trigger to evaluate the trigger if you know what i mean. It is easier to use, and allows a smoother pull if you are slowly pulling for accuracy.

Just today i pulled out the DPMS trigger, and dropped in a Chip McCormic trigger (supermatch, curved, single stage, drop in). I wanted pure excellence for a bench rifle, and this is it. Zero creep, just pressure until break. very clean and smooth, very little rearward movement. I am guessing it at 3.5# which is a bit heavy for a range gun, but it is so smooth the weight is overlooked (and she may get smoother/lighter over time). This would not make a good police, military, or HD trigger imo, as any twitch will be a pull (thus the two stage is better for this work). But for $165 from midway (159 at cheaperthandirt) it is a fantastic bargain imo. Oh, and she fit like a charm (just a little thumb pressure and she dropped right in, and it came with anti-walk pins that are the perfect size/not too long like many other after market pins)


New member
I am guessing it at 3.5#
Good guess on the pull weight. A lot of NM and target triggers are set that high because Service Rifle Match rules specify a trigger pull of no less than 3 lbs IIRC, and trigger pulls are tested with weights in serious matches.

Tim R

New member
A lot of NM and target triggers are set that high because Service Rifle Match rules specify a trigger pull of no less than 3 lbs IIRC, and trigger pulls are tested with weights in serious matches.

Excellence in Competition (EIC) matches require a 4 1/2 pound trigger on a service rifle. This is checked with weights and then the rifle is marked in some way for that match. This normally done with a colored tape on the trigger guard. I have had a yellow dot placed on my rifles reciever for one match.


New member
I dont think the Black Diamond Socom lowers are available any more , but they have a front and rear trigger set screw built into the lower. If you add JP light springs and adjust all the slack out for pull and let off ; it produces the best pull I have ever tried and I have tried most. Its a measured 1/8 in. pull and reset with never a problem. It can also be done converting a 2 stage Rock River to a single stage pull. This type of trigger is perfect for fast accurate shooting, but not for everyone. Basically this sets the pull and reset to the absolute shortest point.