AR10 barrel length


New member
Building an AR10 in .308 caliber. Seems I see a lot of uppers (barrel lengths) in 16" or 18". A few in 20" and some in 24". Is a 20" a better compromise ref the caliber performance? This will be a shooter and sometime hunting rifle for hogs. Not a duty or military style configuration.



New member
I'd probably go with 18" since doing double duty. But an AR10 is heavy to carry in the field for hunting. After couple of hunts with my AR10, dumped it for a 6.8.

44 AMP

The .308 doesn't lose a lot of speed as the barrel gets shorter, (until you go below 16") but it does lose some. Decide if that matters.

Shorter barrels are handier in tight places, thick brush, getting in and out of vehicles in a hurry, and inside buildings. Something important to the military, less so for the rest of us.

Check you local hunting regulations. Some places have an 18" minimum barrel length, and so while a 16" is Federal legal to own, it might not be legal for hunting in your area. Most places it doesn't matter, but in some, it does.

Same goes for magazines. Some places have magazine limits for hunting, different than any limits for just ownership.

If you don't need (or have a use) for the rifle short for close quarter battle, the longer barrel gives a higher velocity.

The GI M14 had a 22" barrel, if I remember right.


New member
The 16" barrel is plenty for any hog out to 600 yards. If you are planning on shooting from a fixed position and clearing out an infestation I would get the longer barrel just to have it. I find the military style set up near perfect for hunting while on the move.