Some say it stands for "Assault Rifle", but I'm not one of them and don't believe that is correct.

I don't know the true meaning behind the acronym AR though...


New member
I believe it means "Assault Rifle". Or it could be from Armalite.
Nope, IIRC, it's Armalite Rifle, back then (before the government and media changed the meaning) an assault rifle, by definition, had to be capable of full-auto fire. Now, it seems, it just has to resemble something that's capable of burst or sustained auto firing. Of course, to add to the confusion, they have a newer term: assault weapon.


New member
I thought the AR was "Automatic Rifle" as in Colt Automatic Rifle or CAR. Never thought about it meaning Armalite.


Good examples of pubic knowledge, obviously what is myth and what is fact has a 10 to 1 ratio against it.

It's ARmalite, and NOTHING else is right. It was on the mag well of the first production run issued to the military, entirely and exclusively the trademarked property of Armalite, Inc.

The term "assault weapon" wasn't used until 25 years after the invention of the M16, and "assault rifle" was pretty much a military historians version of "sturmgewehr," a literal translation of the original German invention of the 1940's. It simply described a class of intermediate caliber rifles with large capacity magazines and full auto fire.

Since the contrived Rangel vote in 1984, there's an administrative block on allowing sales of new full autos. Therefore, during the era of the biggest push to criminalize them, they were already only legal to own under NFA rules, by a specially licensed dealer, and each transaction individually cleared by the BATF after months of bureaucratic paperwork. Just like today. Ahh, the irony.

Don't be so quick to accept the newsmedia's parroting of the antigunners phraseology. It's the biggest weapon they can use, words have meanings, and using the wrong words just gives them the edge.


New member
Its Armalite Rifle and anything else is incorrect.
AR-17 Shotgun
AR-22 Blank Firing Device for the Mk 19 Mod 4 40mm Grenade Machine-gun
AR-23 Sub-Caliber Training Device for the Mk 19 Mod 4 Grenade Machinegun
AR-24 9mm handgun
AR-26 45 handgun (rumors so far)

Those aren't rifles.