AR specific sub forum? Is it time for one?


New member
Seems like the AR topics/questions are taking over the rifle forum. At the time of this writing there are 13 AR related questions on the first page alone.

Some routine questions we cover on a daily basis because nobody likes to use the search function or click to view any other page but the front page.

I'm starting to think maybe its time the AR platform gets its own subforum. Then routine build type questions can be covered in a sticky at the top? Especially the "I want to build my first AR" topics that ask the same old questions.

What do you think?:confused:


New member
I don't know if it needs its own subforum... keep in mind that it's where all the action is in the rifle world at the moment. There's just not that many people wanting to talk about the Remington 700 or Henry lever actions.

But yeah, a bunch of the questions are the same ones- "Buying an AR- which one is the best?" or "Building an AR" type of things. I've quit even weighing in on the "best AR" stuff... there's no point to those discussions when even a little bit of Googling can put people onto better resources than even TFL for that kind of thing.
"Some routine questions we cover on a daily basis because nobody likes to use the search function or click to view any other page but the front page."

What makes you think that's going to change just because those questions would be in their own forum?


It wouldn't.

Willie Sutton

I would encourage the change. What it will likely do is to actually increase total rifle posts, as people begin to see that there is interest in non-black rifles. Right now a new member wanting to talk about Model 94 Winchesters might not feel that his posting would be welcome. Dissect out the AR's and you'll very likely see both an increase in AR posts and an increase in Non-AR posts.

This is from the standpoint of someone who moderates and manages another similary large vBulletin forum with a similar number of members (not firearms related at all, completely different material). When we break up an area into two, we often get more than we started with.




New member
Kinda mixed on the issue, but I feel that it may be kind of a issue.

While I agree it may clean out the rifle section, it may discourage anyone who has a non-AR-15 black rifle, such as an FAL or HK91. While not only AR's but "black rifles" in general are popular today, and will remain so probably, perhaps it would be better if a new sub-forum is created, to have it for say "black rifles" or something similar.


New member
My suspicions are that it would amount to not much more than a new batch of headaches for the Mods. In the handgun section, folks still ask specific revolver or SA questions in the general section. How many times have the Mods asked for assistance in keeping threads properly catagorized?


Active member
One rifle section is all that is needed. I look through the rifle section, sometimes interested in AR or AK stuff, sometimes interested in other rifle posts. Works fine for me. Besides, if folks want to just talk about AR's, they can go to or the like.


New member
I am a member of a handgun forum that has very specific rules for posting specific handguns in specific sections

The moderators spend all their time moving posts

Right now in TFL's rifle forum, there are over 50 threads on the first page index. Ten are about AR-15s in some way. That's only 20%; it does not disrupt discussion of other rifles in any case


New member
As a poster of quite a few of the recent AR question threads, I think it should be said, sometimes the search function on the forum does not turn up great results. Granted not just in the rifle section there are frequent questions about topics that have been discussed before, even when searches do turn up recent information.

Once I finish my AR assembly, I was thinking about posting an AR guide from a beginner's perpective. Hopefully it will have enough information to be useful to other people jumping into the AR world. (maybe even useful enough to get a sticky) It would not be a how-to, but a where-to/terminology style guide. Helping people find the resources is half the battle. Not everyone has a blackbelt in search-fu. :D


New member
I've always thought that the vBulletin "search" function is slightly borked. I've just defaulted to using Google and telling it to limit its results to ones it's found on this site.

Just add "" (without the quotes) on the end of your Google Search.