AR Retro build


New member
Hey guys, I have all the details ironed out on my Yote gun. But I have this other lower here that I'm wanting to put together a Retro A1 type rifle. I'm wanting it to look like the original. Triangular hand guard, three prong flash hider, upper receiver with built in carry handle (not a detachable one like I've seen). Which brings me to a few questions. The A1 had NO shell deflector, but it DID have a dust cover, right? Was there any differences in the rear sight on the A1 and A2? And lastly where can I source these parts? Seems the Flat top TACTIKEWL stuff is the main stream. :D Any other advice to help me with this Retro clone build is GREATLY appreciated.


New member
I don't have all your answers, but leave this link - you may find it useful.

The only advice I can leave you is that one can build a rifle in the spirit of the early ones (light, cheap, long barrel, fixed stock) for a lot less than some of the retro die-hards put into being period correct in detailed ways.

I read some of that forum when 20 inch pencil barrels were a bit harder to find than they are now.
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New member
I built a retro A1 clone about a year ago, it's an awesome gun and shoots beautifully. The only way to get the correct parts is to source an original maybe from a parts kit. The A1 receiver has the dust cover and the forward assist. The A1 is the improved version that was introduced during Vietnam. The barrel is of much lighter weight so the gun is nice and trim being just under 7 pounds with a 20 inch barrel. The sights are simple and meant for battle. You zero it once and leave it alone. The front sight controls elevation only and the rear is windage adjustable only. Both require a bullet tip or tool to adjust. I got the upper off a friend in a trade it's a GI original Marietta contract upper. I just put it on a standard modern lower with a repro A1 butt stock. The original lowers were slightly different I believe nodak spud makes period correct lowers if you want the full affect. Mine looks fairly authentic and it's enough for me.


New member
By far the easiest way to build one is to by a kit. What you are going to see on the market is M16A1 kits. These will have a forward assist, fixed carry handle and windage adjustable only rear sights. Cost is going to be directly dependent on how accurate looking you want it to be.

I personally don't like the look of the early uppers on a late type lower unless the builder goes to the effort to match the lower to the early Colt grey that these rifles came in originally.

To be correct, a early build should have a A1 style lower of which there are three styles.

A. Earliest is the Model 601/602 (AR15) style which have slab side lowers. These have no fence around the mag release and no forward assist. These came with the three prong flash hider.

B. Next is the Model 603 (M16E1). Early ones have a partial fence around the mag release, but will have the forward assist. They also had the three prong FH

C. Late Model 603's (M16A1) will have the forward assist, full fence around the mag release and the birdcage flash hider.

Last of the fixed carry handle models is the Model 645 has a fully adjustable rear sight, government profile barrel, forward assist and shell deflector. This is the M16A2. These also have the late type reprofiled lower which is the type we see most often today, as well as round handguards.

These are from my collection:






New member
Thanks guys. And thank you highpower for that very informative reply. I guess with the lower I have I will have to go 645/ A2. Not really the direction I want. I will poke around and see what I can find. I want it to look like the original updated version, color and all. I know it will probably not be a budget build but I don't care about that.


New member
You are quite welcome.

You could always hold out for one of the NDS lowers although they aren't cheap and they only do a run of them a couple of times a year. My E1 and A1 are built on them.

I had this one engraved:


Regarding cost: Couple of years back I sold a true A1 upper w/sights and dust cover for enough to buy a pair of new flat top stripped uppers. Both myself and the buyer thought we'd done well.


CAI made C15A1 retro model I bought in 2011. They were selling for only $600. I had to only change the grip and recently put in an AIM NIC Bolt. All in all I find it a quality rifle made with good surplus Colt parts, bolt, and etc. Mine is perfect and brings me back to my Army days of 1972. I had wanted to build one however it was less expensive to buy one already built as a partial Colt parts kit cost $550.
Seeing the pictures on this thread I think I will put a rack nr. on it this week end.

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New member
I built a semi-retro using a CavArms lower and 1970-vintage parts built on a reclaimed A1 upper. "Reclaimed"=-having all the corrosion divots from having been dropped and left. Probably it was one of the ARVN rifles sold back to the US market at some point.

Mine has a lathe ring under the FSB where something was scrubbedoff. I'm assuming it was an early model barrel that was re-arsenaled and had to be re-proofed.

It shoots like a dream. I'd use it as my coyote gun if I ever went predator hunting.