(AR) Manhunt: Robbery suspect caught in county (by CHL holder)


New member
Manhunt: Robbery suspect caught in county


Two citizens, one a with concealed handgun license, held an armed robbery suspect at gunpoint Wednesday until police arrived to arrest the man.

James Earl Oliver Jr., 42 , 1600 Hillsboro, El Dorado, was captured about three miles from where he wrecked his car while fleeing from a Ouachita County Sheriff's deputy and the Stephens police chief. He was apprehended by Tyler Greening and Skipper Franklin, who has a concealed handgun license. Oliver was being pursued by police officers after he allegedly robbed the Buzz Buy convenience store in Magnolia.

Greening and Franklin spotted Oliver while he was in the fringe of a law enforcement perimeter and detained him at gunpoint until law enforcement officers arrived.

The two saw Oliver coming out of the treeline and told him to hit the ground, Greening said.

When officers arrived, Oliver was spread-eagled, face down on the ground, Ouachita County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Paul Lucas said.

The Magnolia Police Department received a report around 11 a.m. that a man armed with a pistol robbed the store, according to Magnolia Police Detective Todd Dew.

Oliver allegedly left the store in a green four-door Mitsubishi traveling north on U.S. 79, according to witnesses who also gave the license plate number of the vehicle, Dew said

Law enforcement agencies in Ouachita County were advised to be on the lookout for the vehicle, which was spotted in Stephens by Ouachita County Sheriff's Office Deputy Bruce Porchia, according to Ouachita County Sheriff Joe Strickland.

Porchia turned on his emergency lights to stop the vehicle and the car ran a red light, Strickland said.

Stephens Police Chief Larry Arrington also spotted the vehicle and began chasing him from the traffic light, Strickland said.

Both vehicles were pursuing the car northbound on U.S. 79 and the sheriff's office set up a road block, Strickland said. The car turned on Ouachita 42 and proceeded west with both cars pursuing it.

Oliver lost control of the vehicle in a curve and ran into an embankment, disabling the car, Strickland said.

The two officers stopped by the wrecked vehicle and got out of their cars, Strickland said.

Arrington said Oliver ran across the hood of his patrol car and pointed a gun at him before running into the woods, according to Strickland.

The sheriff's office began to create a perimeter to surround Oliver, Lucas said.

Forty law enforcement officers responded to the incident, including officers from the Magnolia Police Department, the State Police, a State Police helicopter, the Dallas County Sheriff's Office with horses and bloodhounds, the Game and Fish Commission and Ouachita County constables . Both the Ouachita County Sheriff's Office and the Camden Police Department used on- and off-duty officers to complete the perimeter. Lucas said it was a cooperative effort of law enforcement agencies in the Golden Triangle.

Oliver is being held at the Columbia County Sheriff's Office Detention Center for armed robbery, according to Lucas. Oliver also has charges pending in Ouachita and Union County Lucas said.

The pistol and an undisclosed amount of money were confiscated from Oliver when he was arrested, according to Dew.

There were no shots fired in the incident, Lucas said.



New member
Good thing this didn't happen in Wherewuzthat, TN, or the DA would have Greening and Franklin in the slammer shopping Grand Juries to indict them for felony assault with a lethal weapon of Oliver.... :rolleyes:


New member
Does somebody (Jim March?) keep track of these positive CHL/CCW stories? Seems good 'ammo' so to speak.