AR goes full auto bursts

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New member
I'am trying 6.5 Grendel and Creedmoor long range steel plate shooting. I shoot both off a bench with bipod and rear bag. They both have TImney Triggers. They both like to fire two or three rd bursts.
I removed oils from the triggers with gun scrubber. Tried other uppers with with Timney triggers with same results.
I'am using Hard CCI Primers
Timney said I could be bump firing. Any ideas?

I'am close to putting the stock triggers back in.


New member
I'm speculating that you could be bump firing, which can be caused by not following through with the trigger finger. May I suggest that you kept pressing the trigger towards the rear of the trigger guard; after the sear breaks.


New member
As Eron86 said. However, the first AR that I built in the 1980s did the same thing. My problem was due to a gas key was out of round at the front end, so it can happen. But since both ARs are doing it, probably on you. Make sure you are following through on your shots.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...both have Timney Triggers..." Set at what weight? If it's set too low they'll do that. Light triggers take some getting used to anyway though. Holding the trigger back until the rifle finishes recoiling fixes it. It's usually seen with new M1A shooters when shooting off a bench. Really exciting, but as long as you have control of the muzzle, isn't particularly dangerous.
Bump firing is caused by the shooter releasing the trigger too soon. AKA Failing to follow through on the shot. Too light of a trigger aggravates the issue. Recoil causes the shooter to pull the trigger again under recoil.
"...Hard CCI Primers..." No such thing. Even their pretend "Milspec" primers(that are nothing more than magnum primers.) have the same cup as any other primer.


New member
two or three round burst is different from "full auto"--which in terms of a semi-auto rifle would be the equivalent of an uncontrollable full magazine dump (assuming no modifications) This could be happening inadvertently by allowing the rifle to free-recoil. Is the trigger adjustable and is it a one-piece modular drop in?


New member
I am in the bump fire camp. Light trigger, bipod, benched good recipe to kick off an additional trigger pull or two.


New member
I also agree: Probably bump-firing.

Pull that rifle tight into your shoulder to prevent 'free recoil' and 'rebound', lock your hand around the pistol grip to prevent hand movement (not a death grip, just solid control), and see what it does.


New member
I went to another lower with a milspec trigger. We'll see on the Grendel.

The Creedmoor I'am trying no bipod and a rest.

Thanks for the ideas.


New member
I would preface this with:

If you know the firearms are firing more than you intend to fire, and you have any particular suspicion that it might be mechanical, they should be taken immediately to a gunsmith for inspection. You could be looking at a tricky legal situation if the wrong person at the range sees you shooting your "full auto" rifle and your Internet history shows that you knew about the malfunction and continued shooting it (machine gun laws and all).

That said, it's telling to me that it's happening with two different lowers and they're both using Timney triggers. If it were just one, I might suspect a mechanical issue in the fire control group. Since you've just switched to two target triggers in two different rifles, I'm much more inclined to agree that it's bump firing or technique related. I've unknowingly double-tapped a .45 before that had a very light trigger. And I think the light, short trigger pull is a much more likely occurrence than two different triggers from a reputable company causing malfunctions (Occam's Razor)


New member
When I was putting in the RRA trigger, it came with a complete chckou liste on each step to ensure it was good.

First don't set a semi auto that light and second be sure you continue the trigger pull after the shot is off so not to allow.

I had a trigger done by one of the clowns, forget which. It turned a 22 type AR into a machine gun. Very unsettling and legality is ?


New member
You still didn't answer--is the timney a drop-in one piece--and is it adjustable?

I believe all Timney AR triggers are drop-in one piece and not adjustable. I've got a bunch of them installed in my ARs but have never had one do what the OP experienced. But since some have a pull as low as 3 lbs, I could see this happening.
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New member
You still didn't answer--is the timney a drop-in one piece--and is it adjustable?

I believe all Timney AR triggers are drop-in one piece and not adjustable. I've got a bunch of them installed in my ARs but have never had one do what the OP experienced. But since some have a pull as low as 3 lbs, I could see this happening.
Ahhh--didn't know that--the only timney I ever bought was adjustable and was for a bolt gun. A self-contained modular non-adjustable trigger--ahhh no, should not bump fire or multi-discharge IMO. If I were Timney I wouldn't want that out there.

44 AMP

Deliberately firing more than one round per pull of the trigger (without prior ATF approval) is a crime. Rifle malfunctions are not. HOWEVER, not fixing a malfunction rifle is.

Firing more than one round with more than one trigger pull, and not realizing you are pulling the trigger more than once is not a crime.

First step, have some one else fire the gun(s) and see if it does it for them, or only for you. IF it doubles or triples on them, then we can assume its a mechanical issue, and the gun must be removed from service until it is resolved. Fixing it yourself is allowed, taking it to a gunsmith to be fixed demonstrates "good faith". Continuing to use a rifles that is doubling can be a prosecutable violation of Federal law.

One does not need a "bump fire stock" to be able to bump fire certain firearms. If its you, then its a training issue. If it is the gun, its a legal issue and needs legal resolution.
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