AR for High Power Competition?


New member
OK -- Before TFL closes:

Which AR15 manufacturer, model and upgrades would you recommend as the best place to start for high power rifle competitions like the NTIT Infantry Trophy Team Match ("Rattle Battle") and similar high-power competitions?


New member
The Civilian Marksmanship Program is selling a good starter AR clone set up for target shooting. If I needed a rifle for HP, I'd probably start there.

Steve Smith

New member
11.43x23, first of all, I'd recommend keeping your ears pricked up for Oleg's announcement LATER TODAY regarding the new forum. Come on over there and ask this again, ok?

Now onto your question. The CMP/Bushmaster gun is a very good one, for sure. The trigger is a big problem, so expect to replace it within a year or so of comepetiton (read $150 ish more out of your pocket).

A better alternative is the Rock River Service Rifle, which is a little less than the Bushy, but has a better trigger. John Holliger (search function!) can make it into a fabulous trigger for $25 and it will last for a long, long time. All the factory guns have something lacking (that's why most of us go custom on our first re-barrel), but the RRA has the least, and is an EXCELLENT place to start. It can take you to Master classification if you will do the work. Trust me, I know.

See you on the new forum.


New member
hi steve:

rattle battle huh? ok the info steve gave you is correct and its good solid advice.

if you want to go with a rifle for service rifle highpower matches like the ntit is at camp perry you will need a cmp rifle as it is a cmp match.
that means it must meet the difinition of a service rifle as in the rules and the rifles steve suggested are just the ticket.

also remember how the rattle battle is run.
you will have up to 6 shooters and each shooter if you have 6 will be required to shoot 64 rounds.
now the object is to have all of your rounds gone by the time you leave the 500 yard line as because if you don't and have to go to the sitting at 300 you are already out of it.

that means a few things like you will get to start in the prone position and at each position at 600 and 500 yards .you have 50 seconds from the time the target appears till it drops. thats not much time so you either have to load four 20 round mags with ammo as alot of folks do or three 30 's as alot of folks do.

if you shoot in that match usually the team captain and coach which you are allowed two of will call out all of the wind and adjustments while you are shooting so you need to have a rifle thats close to the same in sights and capibilities as the others on your team.

alot of teams ask that you have a rifle with the same sights like 1/4x 1/4 or the such and shoot the same exact ammo as the next guy because what they will try to do is marrage ever one up so you all shoot the same and after you get dialed in if there is a condition change the orders he gives will be for all of you.

now if shooting at those yardages you will need a 1-8 twist or faster like 1-7.5 or the such but 1-8 at least to get a bullet to group well at those ranges and they have to be a magizine length round so that eliminates most of the bullits that are designed for those ranges out to 600 yards.

have fun and steve gives good advice. jon

Steve Smith

New member
Oh yeah...NTIT. That's just a tiny, tiny part of the Highpower experience, so that's why I kinda sailed past it. Sorry! NTIT is something that most civilians only shoot one time a year, at Camp Perry, unless you're on a team and you're practicing for it.

Jon, thanks for the reminder...I'm gonna send my RRA upper to John Holliger to get the rear sight changed to 1/4 elevation (a problem with the older RRA sight was that it was 1/3 MOA elev) and use that gun for NTIT this year as long as it will keep shooting.

One other thing...why are you NOT over on the new forum yet? Come on!