AR charging handle - upgrade or not upgrade?


New member
It looks like some charging handles may be 5 times more expensive than basic ones. I understand that ambidextreous may be slightly more expensive. Beside aestetics, is there any reason to upgrade to a pricey charging handle?


New member
I noticed the same thing a while back about gas blocks. A simple, low profile fixed gas block seems to range between $9.00 to $150.

The $9 works a charm on my rifle.


New member
If the standard one works well for you, then it may not be worth it.
I'm lefty so I prefer ambi handles. Standard ones can also be hard to grab if you have a scope mounted just above it.


New member
I'm right handed and the Mil-Spec is all I need. Maybe I'm a moron, and I can accept that, but without needing left hand ability, seems like a rip-off...


New member
I really considered the extended and ambi-handles for a long time. In the end, I never had any problem with my mil-spec one and decided to let sleeping dogs lie...


New member
An ambi handle is pulled straight back. Less wear then constantly pulling it slightly to the left or right. The roll pin?


New member
I always upgrade, easier to grab. Lately I’ve gone with the all metal upgraded Aero ambi charging handles.


New member
I shoot LH, and use the standard charging handle on all of my AR's, never been an issue with me. Plus, I run scopes on all my guns.

Doc Intrepid

New member
Respectfully, IMHO this discussion overlooks one critical aspect:

You may be assuming that any use of the rifle for actual self-defense will occur in an environment where you have full use of both arms and hands. In fact, many real life examples indicate you may lose use of either a hand or an entire arm during an encounter. You may need to run that rifle using only one arm and hand.

Will Petty has several videos that explain how to do that with both rifles and handguns, and has conducted training in same with numerous local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Note the utility of the ambidexterous charging handle. These videos are worth your review, and perhaps some range time to practice:

AR rifles:

Handguns - similar ideas:

Remember the lessons from the 1986 FBI gunfight with Platt & Matix and Murphy's Law: "whatever can go wrong will, and at the worst possible time". It is true.

It is unwise to expect you will go through an actual engagement retaining full use of all your faculties. Ambidextrous charging handles are worthwhile investments if you ever envision potentially using your rifle in any environment other than a range environment.



New member
I shoot right handed, but manipulate the charging handle with the left (support) hand.

The standard charging handle works just fine, but a slightly extended catch works better.


New member
I prefer extended latches, and preferably ambi. My favorite is the Raptor, but a few of my rifles sport BCM handles. I find them easier to manipulate in actual shooting scenarios, and especially if using gloves.


New member
For me its ergonomics. Ambi charging handles with slightly longer handles work better for me. Plus. I occasionally run a scope on mine.


New member
There are some really flimsy CHs out there. The worst I'm aware of are from PSA. Aside from their CH, I'm gtg with PSA. Many good ones available. For a basic good quality CH, I like Colt or whoever their manufacturer is. For a bit more I like the Raptor LT.


New member
I have been thinking about this a lot lately and my spouse expressed more interest in becoming proficient with an AR, and I think better handles will help.

I do attempt to install scopes with enough eye-relief to avoid it being on top of the CH, but that’s not always possible.

I’ve also been practicing things one-handed, and the plain charging handles do make things like that tricky.

I have never owned, or even used anything other than the milspec type.


New member
I will install a scope on my rifle and it will me a sniper scope. I just don't understand why an ambidextreour CH would make a difference. I can intall that scope keepung some distance from the CH. Right?


New member
The eyepiece of the scope can end up right over the handle, depending on the mount and how far back you put it. A handle with longer arms makes it easier to grab, it does not necessarily need to be ambi to help.

You can try it first with the standard handle and see how it works for you. Swapping out the handle takes about 10 seconds.

If you get a scope with generous eye relief, you may be able to push it far enough forward as to not matter


New member
My stock one works fine.
