AR BCG report (Del-ton Vs DPMS).


New member
I am really partial to Plated Bolt and Carrier Groups.
Last year I bought a TiN plated BCG from Del-Ton, and just this week I got one from a Chrome Plated BCG at Midway (made by DPMS).

In general, the Del-ton finish is a bit less polished (like the DPMS as a bit of buffing on the finish, while the Del-ton was a bit more matte (prior to use). The difference is really minimal. +.5 DPMS

The machine work on the Del-ton seems to be more fine and precise. That is, the number of cutting passes on their CNC/Cutter seems to be more, so that the 'waves' between cut lines are less noticeable. It looks like the DPMS was made much more quickly with less total passes. I can clearly see (downright sloppily machining) where a second cutting process was added over a previous process (step in height/depth), and there is evidence the CG came loose a bit during the process (swirl gouges) . +1.5 Del-ton

The random slop of machine marks from machine process are not noticeable on my Del-Ton bolt, and she is very clean. If i inspect the DPMS bolt the same way, I see many dents, gouges, and scrapes from a sloppy machine shop production. +.5 Del-ton

Both are staked fairly deep into the case, onto the screws, but I do not see much (if any) deformation of the screws. I am sure their will not be any isse, but there you have it.

If I ever need another BCG, I will watch for another Del-Ton sale.
Note, I do not know who makes the Del-ton BCG (if they buy, or resale, or subcontract, or do it themselves)?


New member
The bolts Del-ton sells are DPMS BCG. Both their Tin and chrome are DPMS. Call and ask them, they will tell you the same thing. If you are not satisfied with your new bolt, call Midway and get it replaced or call DPMS. Either place will make it right.


New member
boy has quality changed in one year-

Thats DPMS for you. Their quality is erratic to to say the least. BTW, The best plated BCG's are made by Young Manufacturing. Though I really don't see a need for a plated BCG.