ar 7.62x39 parts hunt - nib bolt


New member
so im trying to gather a parts list for a 7.62x39 ar15. i know the issues and such, but i wanted to make an upper in this easy to get caliber

so far im having trouble locating a NIB bolt to attach to the basic carrier

i find plenty of standard coating ones, but im a fan of NIB

anyone got suggestions? ive looked at rguns and a few others but im open to input


New member
sorry nickle boron Ni B

i just need the bolt , i have a carrier i plan to dedicate to it .

so yes a NiB bolt in 7.62x39 ,not a 556


New member
I can't help you with NI-B bolt.
Would a NI-B bolt carrier make you happy, or are you explicitly looking for a NI-B bolt?
I don't know if I've ever seen one of those in 7.62x39.
Maybe Alex Arms would do that?


New member
I havent seen one either, when I built mine I went with one from Model 1 sales (of all places) and it has worked great so far. I also found the ASC mags work great in my gun, I have been using the 10 & 20 rounders and havent had any problems. I do see that they have a 30 rounder but I havent bought any of them. Good luck with your new project.