AR 15 sight question......


New member
Gang need help how do I get the large apature to rotate into position. There is NO setting on my A2 sights lower than the battle setting of 8/3. I have zeroed it with the small apature site as recommended but I just can't get the "battle site" into position. Please help. Thanks in advance DAROGUE1 Any other tips are also welcome. I know about thay don't have it either unless I looked wrong.


New member
What's a battle sight?:confused: I'm not being a wise-ass, I really don't know what it is.

You mean the long range/short range rear sight? If that's it, you should just be able to flip it by hand. Although, when you are talking 'settings' of '8/3', I suspect you know WAY more than I do about it.


New member
The larger aperture on the M-16A2 is used for low-light engagements. That is at least what they teach in my gun club. It should "flip" up just by using your finger or a tool of some sorts.

3/5 I Co.
Get Some


New member
The two aperatures should be the same distance from the pivot, so if the small is on, the large should be also.

Use the large one for low light and close in.


New member
The two aperatures are not on the same plane. The smaller aperature was to be used at a greater distance and will move your point of impact higher.


New member
when you bottom out on the rear sight, zero by adjusting the front sight. there's battle sight by Chuck Santose on he suggested adjusting the rear sight to bottom out at -2clicks of the 8/3. then set at 8/3 and zero at 50 yrds. by adjusting the front sight. this will give you a zero at 50 yrds/250yrds. if you check at or the link by JK2, i think Chuck also had his battle zero posted there, it'll give you more details. HTH.


New member
Thanks gang....

I tried to move it by hand but it won't budge:( Should I tap on it with a rubber malet? I will mess with it in the next 24 hours and get back to you guys on this topic. I did zero thye gun with the small apature as mentioned. Thanks again DAROGUE1


New member
I don't know how you could tap on the sight aperature with a rubber mallet without striking something you don't want to hit.

Is the windage adjustment set so far over that the part in question is jammed against the side of the rear sight assembly?


New member
Pry it up with a screwdriver and some penetrating oil.

Or as my dad says, "If it don't fit, you ain't usin a big enough hammer!!" (Translation: a mallet and a screwdriver might do it) ;)


New member

Much like everything else on this rifle it was tight! Was messing around with it ealier today and it moved to the bigger apature:cool: I had to wrap a towel around my thumb and push it by hand. It was leaving a nice indentation in my thumb (which is not calloused) prior to the towel treatment/solution. I think that I will leve the larger apeture up seeing that the range that I usually shoot at only goes out to 200yards. Thanks again everyone. Nice to know you are out there! DAROGUE1

Ps.yankytrash--That was my solution to alot of things when I was a kid. That and duct tape Some things from the childhood come back at bad times. Esp with firearms!:D :eek: