AR-15 left on cop car trunk

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New member
From the article:
"The Seattle Police Department says they are "very embarrassed" after an assault rifle was left unattended on the back of a patrol car Monday night.

Nick Gonzales snapped a picture of the menacing-looking rifle on the trunk of a Seattle Police car.

It was around 9:00 p.m. and the car was parked outside the Roosevelt Hotel, near Pine and 7th Avenue, with no police officers in sight, says Gonzales.

In addition, after an officer got back into the patrol car, it was driven away with the rifle still on the trunk.

A woman also saw the rifle and followed the car to try to get the officer's attention. "

I'm interested in why in the heck the cops left it on the trunk.

In any case, these cops should be nominated for the Darwin Awards, thats just plain funny.

What are your thoughts?


New member
Very stupid. The thought of a rifle, probably M4 type, bouncing off the ground off a car makes me cringe. It would get all dinged and scratched sliding across the ground. It makes me nervous these are police.
It's not the first time some cop left a firearm unattended. Most of the time it's in the stall of some bathroom. I bet the officer(s) responsible will be enjoying some beach time.


New member
Was there a reason it was brought out of the car? Didn't look like there was a lot of police action going on to merit bringing out an AR. A few years ago, a Glock 33 was taken out of a patrol car, that story made it on the news. I tell you what though, now is not a good time to be that Seattle Police Officer.


New member
Patiently waiting for the "media is anti-gun" guys to post their outrage of the use of "menacing-looking rifle" in the article.


New member
I would have takin the picture then take the gun for safe storage
Leave a note for the officer, then call the cop shop to have a officer
come pick it up from me at the nearest range after I make sure it's
not loaded... Repeatedly


New member
Southern Rebel said:
On the other hand, it could be an ATF undercover investigation!

Nah, if that was the case, there would be a stand on the side of the street with flashing neon signs reading: "Free guns, no strings attached!!!" and "Operation Slow and Stupid!!!"


New member
Embarassing but not unusual. You might want to goggle the news stories about the FBI Tactical team which had it's suburban stolen from a Memphis TN eatery parking lot. The thieves netted a full assortment of M-4s, sniper rifles, ammunition, body armor and tactical clothing


New member
I would have takin the picture then take the gun for safe storage

And what happens when the officer comes back to his car and you're strolling down the street with his rifle? :eek:

I would have hung around for a bit and kept an eye on it. No way in hell I'm picking it up though.


New member
I wouldn't have touched it, but I'd have called the PD and waited. On the one hand, cops are people to, but this is a bit much. I wouldn't wanna be that cop though, can you say "administrative leave"? I can hear all his buddies too,

"I'm the only one in this room professional enough to handle this M4"

What, someone was gonna do it.;)


New member
The presumption seems to be that the M4was put on the trunk on the scene. Perhaps it was set on the trunk at the beginning of the shift as the boys loaded their gear. Then they drove off without completing the job. It seems it was in an obviously stable position if they drove away from the hotel and it didn't immediately slide off.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
People leave their kids and dogs to roast to death in cars.

I once saw a woman put her wallet on the top of her car and start to drive away. I yelled at her to stop because of it. She started to get angry at me. When she realized what at happend, no thank you - just stewed.

However, her friends in the car were seen to be given her rude remarks and laughing at her. Haha.

So, instead of some grand thread discussing police as a subset - it's just human nature to make some mistakes.


New member
Heck, we are human, but a riffle on a trunk that you use everyday?

I cant throw stones, I had a similar brain fart myself.
While loading my gear into my truck at a friends house, I took my S&W M57 off of the seat and placed it on the top of the cab, and finished getting things straight. Guess what, three or four miles went by and I had a "REVELATION" in my memory of where the pistolla was!:eek:
I did find the gun thank goodness, and learned a VERY valuable lesson!!!


I forgot quite a few good meals on top of my pickup but never something as serious as a gun left unattened. Yeah people do make mistakes but he could of damaged the rifle and that would be very sad!
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